FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

That would kind of be like we are already doing for battle animations and so on. I really like that idea for music, but there is one problem with that, especially for portraits, and that is how to quantify those in a good way. It can easily turn into a situation where one thinks “oh, there is no portraits with bald heads”, but in reality there is no such tag. Or even worse when there is but it’s not tagged as such.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea. I’m just trying to think about problems that would need to be solved.

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My schedule is a bit too unpredictable for me to take on bigger responsibilities, but I’m happy to help out from time to time.
Could there be an idea that certain people try to be responsible for certain type of assets? For example one thing that is not that common is map animations and that could be handled by someone with less time.

Just throwing out some ideas :slightly_smiling_face:

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This sounds really wacky and fun until you try asking yourself… how exactly do you plan to implement said tags? What are you going to do, put them in the name of files?

Flavia [Blonde, Bun, Dark_Skin, Female, etc] {Cathreen}.png

Something like that? Because son, a lot of the work I’ve put into the Repo recently has been to reduce filename lengths. We have a hard limit of 255 before people can’t even extract the bloody repo to their PCs, and realistically you want the longest folder name to be 180 characters or even shorter wherever possible.

And none of this even mentions all the work that would require. Are you going to go through and tag (checks) 7,600 portraits with a dozen tags each?

So, it’s not happening, ever. If we had the website we could add a tag system and in fact I was going to include such a thing. Unfortunately I haven’t heard anything about the website in months, so it’s probably not happening. I’m actually a little worried about @copywright since I haven’t seen him at all. It’s like he fell off the face of the planet… hope he’s okay.

You’re already listed as a Repo Updater on Repocord, so I can definitely add you to the task managers. Putting people in charge of specific assets is a great idea.

@Alice @JeyTheCount and @milom, what sorts of resources would you prefer to be in charge of? There’s plenty to go around. I imagine Raulster would like to manage the music repo, for example? Jey for portraits? Etc? Up to you guys.


Just my 2 cents on the tag idea, I think if the github code for previewing mugs works in the next update your planning out, I think the tags are a little less required because people can just browse the mugs rather than clicking on names and hoping for the best.

EDIT: to clarify this is in regards to the discussion of things like bald character or female blonde or something. Artist, franchise etc I think is still valid.


Why the original author reordered it differently from Titis is a mystery.
However, the reason I reordered them again in creating the subsequent lance motion is to accommodate the Triangle Attack.
If the palette is different from the order of the Falcon or Pegasus, they cannot participate in the Triangle Attack.

Ever wonder why Tethys’ palette never matched her official artwork? Well it’s a good thing that i made a one to match her official colours. Also made one for her Harrier sprite.
Tethys Palette
Tethys Palette2


This was moved because there is nothing to take from this image outside of colors.


Nice animation.
BTW, I think you should add C01 to Modes 9, 10, and 11.
at least in vanilla, since they all have C01 written on them.

/// - Mode 9               #Equiped with Melee Weapon
4 p- Sword_000.png
C01                 #<- ADD
/// - Mode 10               #Standing motions
4 p- Sword_000.png
C01                 #<- ADD
/// - Mode 11               #Equiped with Ranged weapon
4 p- Sword_000.png
C01                 #<- ADD

After Seeing these, I thought I could make some extra palettes.

So here are some Idunn themed palettes:

Regular Idunn

Ascended Idunn (From FEH)


deja vu


I think recolor with data attached can be in the graphics repository.
Because they are trying to share data.
I don’t think there is any reason why reskin and others are ok and recolor is not.
I think we could post the pattern data for the recolor palette in the same directory of the github repository.

If there is a problem, I think it would be nice to have a link to the zip file as well as the image, if possible, since FEU destroys the palette of images, though.

That’s not what’s going on; these are just recolors being posted. You can’t do anything with the image.
If these were packages or something I wouldn’t be moving anything.

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I can probably put them inside the folders for the specific animations but they don’t feel necessary at all. Like it’s about a minute of work, tops.

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Hey guys. I have added Portrait Previews to the Repo. Big thanks to @igrotsbol for all his hard work coding it! Now almost every major folder has previews!

Here’s a repeat of that earlier post I made.

  1. Install a ‘Markdown File Reader.’ This one is for Chrome, it’s what I use. There’s likely something appropriate for Firefox, Edge, or whatever you might use.
  2. View the RAW Markdown Readme.md files inside the Repo. You can then CTRL+F to find whatever you want! (It will open the spoilers if you search for a character name and their name appears inside the spoiler)

Thanks to the efforts of @igrotsbol on Discord, the Repo now has previews for all of the following files:

  1. Battle animations
  2. Portraits
  3. Class Cards
  4. Map Sprites
  5. Item Icons
  6. Maps
  7. The entire BG Folder

Tilesets don’t have a folder… and neither do spells. Both of them would look like shit, though. Those folders need a total overhaul.

Anyway, I’m working with the boys now to get updates to the repo once again cycling! Maybe soon we’ll be all caught up for the first time in 6 months!

PS: I added those links to the OP of the main thread so you guys won’t lose them. I recommend browsing the repo through those files specifically as it will be a pretty user-friendly experience.


I’m pretty sure these are FEBuilder palette outputs which maintain proper palette order such that they can be imported as palettes

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What’s the general consensus on adding frames to portraits in the repo that aren’t labeled F2E and that don’t have any/formatting portraits that aren’t currently insertable? For a lot of these portraits, it’s a shame that they’re not insertable so many hack/fangame creators will skip over using them.


You can add frames for any portrait in the repo and resubmit them. F2U means free to use… like in a hack. Defeats the purpose if they don’t have frames.

F2E is for ripping apart sprites and editing them. I think basic recolors are OK with F2U, but that’s a slightly more iffy grey area. Most artists would eye-twitch at someone recoloring their sprite to be obnoxious pink and green and blue colors for a mediocre hack, but if the recolors look good they probably won’t care.

It just depends. Always ask the original spriter when in doubt.


The portrait previews are awesome, the only thing is I’m not sure if its just me but it doesnt show the previews for things in the FE 9 folder (the rips etc are in there just not the submitted sprites). (so far the other ones seem fine)


You’re looking at the previews on github.com. Don’t do that. View it through the link and method I specified in the post. You need a markdown viewer and to view the content and you need to view the full RAW files. If you view it on github you’ll only see the first 500,000 characters of the file before it gets cut off. Don’t you wonder why you can’t see anything past FE09 mugs? It cuts off FE10 and everything after it. The same is true of the battle animations and probably other folders in the future as the repo grows.

