FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

error for this download link (sry bout the format):

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This is why this happens. It’s obnoxious, but you’ll notice that last + in that URL hasn’t been replaced with %2B like other offending characters. Try it out in DownGit after making the replacement manually and see if it works then!

the link I provided it only sends me to the page where to download but not the actual download itself
The actual DownGit link is this one below:

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Fixed it! Try this one:


The issue was that the “%20%2BKnife%20%20Bow” at the very end should’ve been “%20%2BKnife%20%2BBow”. There’s supposed to be a + (%2B) before Bow just like before Knife, but it got replaced with a second space (%20). It’s an easy enough mistake to make, especially if one is converting a ton of these URLs by hand consecutively.


works perfectly. thx!

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Finally! Complete set of female assasin animations


Hello, everyone.

As you all may have noticed, it’s been over a month since I last updated the Resource Repository.

The truth is, I’m just too busy to do so anymore. As such, I have quietly contacted several people on the forums, and starting today, I will be handing off the Repo to a new owner so they can manage it in my stead.

This was not an easy decision to make, but in the end, I think it is ultimately the best choice for the community, and for my own mental health.

Everyone, please give a warm round of applause, and your heartfelt thanks, to the new repository owner.


Dellhonne is a long time respected member of the community and he will make for a suitable, if not an absolutely perfect manager for the repo. I have taught him absolutely nothing about managing the repo, and I am still sure he will handle his responsibilities without issue.

You are required to pay him for his services however. He requires one easy payment of a Nuramon animation or a DerTheVaporeon portrait every month. I’m sure this won’t be a problem, as the community has become especially generous with its sprite allocation in the last year.

Thank you, and sorry for the trouble.


Passing the torch from one manager to another. It would be a very well respected choice for you and hopefully Dellhonne would make you proud.


Smh why not EmeraldKing


Hope I’m not That Guy for asking this but I am legitimately not sure whether or not this is an April Fools joke or something legitimate that was just uploaded on that day

If it’s not a joke, then congrats to @Dellhonne on the new position, and I hope all goes smoothly!


look at everything Dellhonne has ever posted and you’ll get your answer


It’s all requests, So I’m assuming this is an april fools joke?


Okay that’s legit funny, all his posts are requests


I’m confused… Not sure if it is true or a joke :v.

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Awesome Work Men???


Haha welp. I totally missed that, since I’m only really on here sporadically and usually because I have some specific business here. This is kinda the first I’ve heard of Dellhonne, in all honesty.

Also since I can’t reply to multiple people at once, @Dark it does seem to be an April Fools joke, yes.

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Yeah, I’m… not big on this sort of April Fools joke, myself, but I think it would be best to avoid making a big discussion of it in this thread.

My post was really just taking the L on not having the familiarity with the referenced community member to recognize immediately that it was a joke.

Bless you good sir, that magic anim was so halfassed but someone finally did something actually cool with it

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Are submissions for the music repo still being taken? If so, is the process for submitting tunes the same as before? Thanks all.