FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

@Plant_Academy this is not an insertable animation, it’s a gif and a sheet
only post fully completed animations ready to be inserted in the normal thread

Oh ok my bad :b

… you didn’t need to delete it, you just shouldn’t post it in the normal thread, it was fine here


I’m hella behind on the Repo. Haven’t added anything from the main thread since Merpin’s post on december 16th. That’s the problem with being the only repo maintainer, if I fall behind for even a few days, the backlog gets crazy.

I’ll probably start adding stuff again soon!


I know GitHub, if you would be willing to explain what to do, I could help.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

Hey! Is there a F2U interior-based map palette (tables, stools, barrels, …)? I’ve been looking through the resource repository for hours know :confused:

Thanks in advance

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Hi Hello @Jaygore, first I love your interpretation of Lyn’s repalette but I just have a tiny nitpick, having red pixels on her legs just aint looking right to me so I fixed it! here’s the fully repaletted spritesheet
Lyn spritesheet definitive version


Hey there Plant! I love it! Definitely agree with you but i didnt know how to fix it! Thanks very much!


BIG thanks to JeyTheCHAD who helped me get the repo fully updated to Psyche’s post!

While I added the portraits posted, Jey added ALL the other stuff! I have also gone through and made a new folder in the Animation Index.

That’s right, there is now a dedicated Advance Wars section for people like Dark to contribute. It currently does not have any Class Cards, but does have tons of map sprites and the like.

Take note, too, of how I’ve chosen to format its internal folders.

I eschewed the [Gender] tag and other stuff. Now, when you include an animation, just add the [Faction] and Unit Type, followed by {Credits}. Easy!

The Map Sprites folder for the AW stuff also has the Famicom Wars SNES sprites segregated at the top from the GBA/etc sprites. This is so people know not to mix the two clashing art styles together.

Aaaand that’s all! Many thanks to Jey! I’ll try to keep on with stuff moving forward :smiley:


It was really not a big deal :wink:


So, when I was looking through the repository, I found that RedBean’s Amelia General’s Lance animation cannot be inserted using the provided text file because it is missing the Lance_56 and Lance_57 png files. Pretty sure these are the dodge animation frames. It can be inserted with the .bin file though

Recently, I’ve been getting reports about a few animations that are not inserting properly due to missing png files. I’m not sure why these keep popping up, unfortunately…

Edit: 80% sure I’ve fixed it. Will re-upload.

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Glad I’m not the only one who’s had this issue. I was trying to use that anim a couple days ago and assumed I’d screwed smth up. Slipped my mind to report it, going to try again now.

Has the re-upload happened yet? No pressure if it hasn’t, but 56 and 57 are still missing on my end.

I just updated, sorry for the delay! Sometimes while running the readme updater I forget it exists and forget to push the update. Durr!


It works, praise be! Thanks much.

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Ah, Genghis.

At least he has speed.


We have a problem, and it’s not an easily solvable one.

Simply put, Github.com can only show up to 100,000 characters of readme.md text on their website. For this reason, I had Andrew (the guy who did a lot of work improving the repo) use a url shortener site to make the amount of text shrink to 1/10th.

See that tiny little red git.io link on the first line? Because the git.io shortening service has gone down, probably permanently, those tiny red links have become suuuuper long links, which makes the main Readme.md file on github stop displaying past a certain point. If you go into any subfolder, everything is fine, but on this index page…

…It stops displaying right here.

There are a lot more animations past the armor knights. Like, a LOT more, but you can’t see them unless you go into their subfolders.

There’s no easy fix, other than making git.io work again or finding an alternate URL shortening service. Until then, you’ll just have to do a bit more work to look at files :confused:

(Also, I caught up the repo again)


Have you tried bit.ly?

<img src="https://bit.ly/33tM6Aw" />

I… have not! I’ll see what I can do with that.