FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

more samurai stuff, always about RW. it’s Seiji’s turn again:

details for better view:

i guess swords and blades should be covered for the time being.
now only spear, axe and bow remain.


Please stop posting sprites that don’t go in the Repo in the Repo thread. Use your own art thread for things like that. You’ve made several posts like this; they’re just cluttering up the thread and giving me more to scroll past.

If it’s not a portrait, an animation, or some other thing, it doesn’t go in this thread.

Also, I see quite a few people who post single portraits or single icons or whatever multiple times a day; if you’re going to make a ton of art, just wait until you’ve amassed like 10 portraits, then post them all at once in one post.

Zoramine’s post is the gold standard.

The thread already has nearly 4000 posts, we could afford to cut back on the microposts wherever possible. Thanks!

If it can use Gitzip, it counts. The point is, use a browser that can use Gitzip.


Thanks for the info! :+1:t2:


I wouldn’t say my post is the ‘gold standard’ (you really shouldn’t have to wait 6 months to release on 20 portraits lmao) but yeah if you’re working on a few pieces in the span of a few days, it tends to look better and get more fake internet likes if you dump like 8 or more at the same time.

Or you’re Obs and post one thing and the world goes awooga

Might do some stuff once I get a project for a twitch streamer done. Probably Heroes with Axes, and maybe a proper Thief with a Bow battle anim to match the map anim we have in the repo for it.


Just post things that can be immediately added to repo and stuff like in progress to other thread.


Ah yes, my favorite character from the anime:
My Psychopathic Murdering Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute!


Funny you should mention that, actually; it strikes me as a little odd that Obsidian_Daddy’s Sigurd and Seliph animations are classified as “Custom Cavalry” (under “Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers Battle Animations”) and Cipher Lee’s Light Mage Micaiah is classified as “Custom Magi” under “Magi - Special Battle Animations”, while custom animations for Marth, Celica, Leif, Ike, and Lucina all get classified under “Lords - Vanilla and Custom Animations”. It feels a bit inconsistent to me. As well, the Angel map sprites are misclassified as Nature-type, while the rest of the Angel assets are all under Special.

And, er, my caped Priest/Cleric map sprites somehow ended up under armors rather than Holy-type mages? I guess they probably got put there with the Zephiel-base caped baron idle I made.

As an aside, this is probably much more subjective, but I would personally be inclined to put War Monks/Clerics under Holy Mages rather than Special Mages, if they’re already being grouped with Mages. That’s just me, though.


Great critiques! I’m now rearranging according to all the things you brought up.

Special lords - I forgot they existed when I merged the Lord folders. They’re in the Lord folders now!
Your priest: I probably dropped it in the wrong folder during the Great Reorganization of January.
Angel: Moved.
War Monks: This is a bit tricky. While they are ‘holy,’ they are also just as much axe users as staff/light users. This is the reason I put them in special, because they’re a special case, and they’re fully custom. I have debated moving them to the Holy folder many times, but ultimately the Special folder would be a bit empty if I moved too many anims out, so I’ll leave the War Monks there.

But as for all the other things, got 'em fixed! Thanks for the feedback.


I’m glad I could be of assistance!

And, that’s very fair! I do realize that War Monks/Clerics are unusual in that they’re not really primarily magic-users, at least not in terms of combat. My line of reasoning is boils down do, essentially…

  1. They have an obviously “holy” theme, aesthetically
  2. They promote from Priests/Clerics, which are already classified under “holy” (then again, they also promote from Troubadours, which aren’t)
  3. Staff specialists seem to be put under Holy-types (with the aforementioned exception of Troubadours), and if they are to be classified under magic-users, my instinct would be to place them alongside other users of the same magic types they use

All that said, I think your reasoning is definitely solid as well (plus it’s your repo), and classes like that are inherently kind of hard to place because they don’t really line up with any category of Fire Emblem class that’s big enough to justify having their own dedicated section.

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Another issue I keep waffling around are the ‘lord’ animations that heavily or even lightly borrow from existing Lords.

For example, the Celica animations, by Redbean.

These animations are based off Eirika, so listing them as Eirika Variant is accurate, but they are probably, let’s say, 90% custom.

So should I list them as FE1-3 Custom Lord? Or as Eirika-Variant, since they do borrow a little from the princess in question.

And then you have multiple Eliwood-Marths…

Should they stay as Eliwood-Variants or be made FE1-type? It’s hard to say.

The Repo is always a work in progress, never perfect!


A ton of these honestly just boil down to judgment calls regarding where you personally feel it makes sense to draw the line between “variant” and “custom”, I’d say. There are a good number of animations in the repo that do have clear “bases” in vanilla animations, but also have way too much custom animation work and design changes put in for it to make sense to say that they’re “just” edits. (And that’s not even getting into the instances of animations that are edits of previously-added custom animations in the repo, like the Mage Knight sword animations based on the Grand Paladin’s!) Maybe that situation could be what you use the “[(animation)-Base]” label for? That’d be a lot of renaming, though.

(Also, the caped Clerics are still under armors!)


I moved the priests and missed the clerics :laughing:

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Every extension that works on Chrome also works on Brave, can confirm myself that Gitzip works perfectly fine too

Why post it here since I can’t use it?


Because when I finish it, I will release all of them :v I want to make Klok’s life easier, uploading everything I can only once.


That makes sense. You got to respect good ol’ Klok since he’s a veteran and expert in the Fire Emblem Sprites and Animations department.


Hans! Get ze panzerfaust!

Missile Launcher

I think from now on things will get slightly faster. The infantry animation took like 6/8 hours to finish it, surprisingly the mech animation was from 30 minutes to 1 hour in order to finish it.
Note: All ground battle animations from Advance Wars are on my list to be ported to FE.


Yes, we do.

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Holy moly, I’m gonna 100% use this

Nice work!