FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Still counts!

Thanks m’dude.

I see what you were going for with the flickering. It’s not executed perfectly, but it’s a cool idea. Hmm. Maybe someone here can fix it up. Shouldn’t be a huge project :smiley:

I’ll have the team add this as-is to the repo anyway

The flickering is done exactly as Castlevania does it.


Oh, it’s from CV! Did not realize. Been a while since I played those games.

This is AMAZING!

Would you mind if I made an edit of this to give her a ponytail instead of long hair?

Wait, what’s TKOL? What is this for?

The Knight of Lodis. From the icon sheet I converted to FE colors.

Ah, it was the one folder with a bunch of name credits on it, so I overlooked it. Will add that updated icon now, then!

Edit: Or at least I would, except I can’t find the old version of the icon to update it in the repo. Where is it on this sheet?

Am I just blind?

Edit: Found it. Wow, that original version was way messed up. I couldn’t even recognize it at the end of the helmets!


Go right ahead, my battle animations are F2E :+1:

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I’m doing stuff with the class cards… so I’m not adding them to the repo just yet. I have a backlog all saved up in a folder. I’ll get around to them eventually!


Looks really good! The first axe animation swing seems like the pole on the axe expands then shortens after, other than that, it looks perfect.

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Bit of a problemo with the vanilla warrior stance.

oh no (2)

Yeah… inconsistencies between the length and color of the axe grip.

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Is it really that visible though?

It’s definitely visible, considering that the axe hilt literally darkens in color and greatly lengthens.

You can definitely notice it in the crit animation.

Then fix it! I don’t have an access to the animation now. It should be a easy fix.

Alright, I’ll fix it. Give me a bit though since I’m currently busy rn.

If you’re having trouble importing the sword anim .bin for this, I updated the file in Dropbox to fix it. I accidentally left in Sword Sheet 6 when this is optimized to only need 5 sheets and the importer wasn’t happy.


Does what you said here apply to map sprites, too? It looks like a lot of new ones from the past month aren’t in either of the repos yet (including one of mine, yes :b).

Also, my username is misspelled on the Divine Dragon repalette l did. Could you please fix that as well?

The divine dragon was a map sprite. I already fixed it tho.

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