FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

I emailed the developer of the Yugodora hack, the one who made its animations:

He sent me this response.

So there you have it! If you use any of the Yugodora/Yggdra animations, make sure to credit Aruku18kin!

EDIT: Actually, he sent another email. Credit just ā€œArukaā€.


The FE 10 style Knight sprite is from a former member of Feplanet named Zomaxiee. It was in 2010ish so Iā€™d donā€™t if they are still around. Anyway here a link to part of the original.

Iā€™ll try and contact him/her. Did you know them personally?

No just remember seeing back in the day.

We were having a hell of a time finding the creator, either way. Thanks a bunch!

Edit: I canā€™t find Zomaxiee anywhere online. At some point he changed his username to Zoa, which is WAY more generic and difficult to find, soā€¦ yeah.

I forgot to mention that this was done with the help of a guy named Starter. It would be fair for him to be credited, too. :slight_smile:

Gorgeous work on this repository anyway, gg Klok!


The promoted Katt from FE7if (the bat girl) doesnā€™t seem to have anything in its folder.

I took a quick look through this and noticed that the folders you have for the frame rips of my animations seem to more frames than theyā€™re supposed to
for example the magic attack animation of my monk recolor with seems to have 208 frames in here when it only has 52 frames. I assume whatever youā€™re using to rip the frames from the animation is making multiple copies of each frame.

Just pointing this out because if itā€™s doing this for all the animations it will probably cost you a lot more space than it should

Also why are you using some thing to rip the frames when i already included them in the downloads for most of my animations

Because FEXNA wonā€™t be able to import anything you make manually. It only imports things dumped by FEditor with certain machine code.

I ripped the anims with FEBuilder, so it probably duplicates frames.

Also thanks Felix, Iā€™ll be sure and add it :slight_smile:

Yup. Itā€™s in there. If youā€™re ever curious, use the search function to check for original creator-chosen names. All animations have been renamed and standardized. For classes that are edits of other classes, like how the Trueblade is an edit of Swordmaster, the class will be named their ā€˜trueā€™ class name, followed by (Specifier).

In this case, Swordmaster M T2 (Edgy Trueblade Edit).

Also, thanks for giving me the rest of that wyvern, Solocross :slight_smile:

Since youā€™re doing face sprites, Iā€™ve made passable blinking frames for all the main FE6 characters. I havenā€™t checked your dump yet to see if anyone else has made them, but if you want them I can send them over.

Definitely do so, please.

I am opposed to this motion. The Great Knight is called the Great Knight. BwdYeti is one member of the greater Fire Emblem fangame community. Sure, he calls them cataphracts. But thereā€™s far, far, far more people who call them their actual name in IntSys Fire Emblem. 99% of the community do not have FEXNA access, and renaming classes to match XNA naming schemes just comes off as arbitrary and confusing for the majority of the users. Why should we bend to Yetiā€™s standards? If consistency is so important, why shouldnā€™t he change to the standard names?
(Heck, I feel including XNA stuff in general is a waste of time and space, but thatā€™s neither here nor there.)
Not to mention thereā€™s no guarantee Yeti will even release any of his animations. He made them, and if he wants them private, private they will stay. Youā€™d end up with a bunch of renamed classes for some strange sense of ā€œconsistencyā€ for a thing that will never come out. Why even bother?


Why? Because there are too many classes with knight in the name, for one.

For the other, saying ā€œif yeti releases his animationsā€ is good and all, but I might know a thing or two about that.

Also, did you actually look at them in the repository?


Nice catch! One of the discord dudes is or was working on a female necromancer, but I didnā€™t realize I added the folder. Iā€™ve marked it as empty for now.

That Zelgius and shield Generalā€¦ whew. Good job.

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Wow, way cool! Regarding that FE10 knight, is that the one I posted in the bounty list? I couldnā€™t find an active account, but it seems you did!

Whatā€™s going on with the snipers? Did you edit their palettes or something?

Nope, that isnā€™t the one from the bounty list. Itā€™s his sprite.
Since there only was the standing sprite, I had to actually animate this rather then to format the sheet xD

Regarding the snipers:
I gave them a different bow, edited a few minor things on the clothes and added frames to show the knockback from the shot.
Why? Is something wrong with the palette?

Well thanks xD

Yeah, something like this seems good to me.

Just one question, why did you make Zelgiusā€™s armor red instead of black?

Zelgiusā€™ armor is red.
