Hi everyone.
In tomorrow or two days (I don’t know) the next update of my mod will come out and chapters 24 and 25 will be added, and it will be a continuation of the third act.
I would like to know if anyone who has played the mod so far has enjoyed following the new story I created, so I’m going to create this little survey.
The mod has passed half of the new story and only the third story arc and the 4 (final) remain to be completed, the story begins very slowly, letting you know the protagonists and trying to make you feel the maturity of the protagonist (Eliwood) who as a coward character and shy, he becomes a great hero.
In the future, I intend to refine the game world by adding dialogs and events that deepen the characters and a DLC that will explain the events that happened before the main story.
Vote only if you have downloaded and played at least the first part of the mod.
This is the first time I create a poll in a forum, I hope there are no mistakes.
- Yes, I liked the story
- No I didn’t like the story
- The story makes no sense!
- I liked the story but…
This survey will remain open until I complete the mod.
Please add llyod as playable unit :<
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Lloyd is Linus’s brother, so logically, both of them can’t just betray each other.
as I said, Lloyd will be a playable character, but he won’t be part of the main story.

So you’ll have to wait until I finish the mod and then start the DLC. You just need to reach the end of ch 19 to understand the reason for my choice.
Alright ~ I shall wait . I do not want to kill him ~ so I shall stop at chapter he appear in main story!!!
:3 He may or may not appear, who knows.
Lloyd is a very important character in my story, so I won’t give any spoilers.
Added chapter 24 ‘‘Tears of Sadness’’
Added chapter 25 ‘‘Dragon Temple’’
Changed the undead weapon to now have a Hit increased by 15%
Recolored and changed the boss Uhai and the character Sophia
Improved the recoloring of many bosses and allies
Raven promotion bug fixed
Modified the Luna and Divine weapons to now have a range of 1-3 but less than 10% hit, Luna has been downgraded from 10 power to 5
Runesword will now be classified as a magic sword and will only be usable by Mark
Improved the attack animation of some bosses and allies
Fixed some minor errors
Fixed and changed the recoloring of Nergal and Limstella and their battle animation
Adjusted the terrain bonus of the ruins that will now give DEF + 1 RES + 2 EVADE + 15% HEAL + 10%
Fixed some minor errors in the story events in chapter 17 and 19
Removed the animation of Eliwood for use with the ax (promote), for the moment when he hits using an ax there will be no animation.
Fixed some battle events in Chapter 18
Other changes that I don’t remember now
Added the intro of chapter 26 ‘‘A Lost Soul’’, this chapter is not yet complete so I advise you not to play it.
Improve and modify all animations of allies and enemies
Improved all boss and ally portraits
Added the ‘‘Characters Event’’
‘‘These special and fully optional events are meant to deepen the characters
to help you understand their history and why they fight.
These events will trigger in each chapter, you just have to make the units talk to each other,
equal to the original support, if you decide to look at them,
in addition to having extra information about the story,
you will get special weapons that you will never find on sale in stores.’’
Balanced some weapons
Added the following new weapons and items, unlockable only by viewing the ‘‘characters events’’
Wyvern Shield, Unguent, X-Bow, Power Ring, Razorfin, Heartbreak, Wind Breeze, Hope Spear, Cure, Sharp Sword.
Added the ‘‘Guard’’ Weapons
Added shields in-game that will be defensive weapons
‘‘War shield’’ and ‘‘Great shield’’.
Added ‘‘Ensanguined’’ weapon that can only be used by the strongest undead
Added the ‘‘Life Stone’’ weapon that can only be used by Sophia
Added the ‘‘seer’’ class (animation under test)
Added events in the first story arc that deepen the story and the link between the protagonists in CH 3(End Event) CH 4(Start Event) CH 7(End Event) CH 9(Start Event) and CH 10(End Event)
Vulnerary recovery power has been improved
Balanced enemies and allies
Balances the amount of EXP gained from enemies\bosses and when you miss the target
Adjusted the healing power of all healing staff
You can now only obtained the promote to level 12+
Modified AI\Positioning and inventory of some enemies
Game difficulty changed
Changed the inventory of some characters
Nino’s class changed.
Changed some chests and items that can be obtained by visiting villages.
(´;Д;`)(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)( ;∀;)
1.Mark’s ‘’ Maelstrom ‘’ weapon bug fixed, due to some unknown problem there is a risk that at the end of chapter 13 the uses of the weapon are reduced to 0.
This issue has not been fixed but has been sidetracked, allowing the purchase of this special weapon in the chapter 15 armory.
2. Completed chapter 26 “A Lost Soul” is now ready to play
3. Lucius and Wil’s inventory changed, when they rejoin your party, they will now join the team with their special weapons
4. Adjusted the bonus item obtained by Geitz if you manage to reach and defeat him in chapter 21
5. Fixed some events where an event trigger would occur when the game background changed
6. Fixed the size of some dialogues that, being too long, ended up outside the dialog bubble
7. Chapter 23 Balanced: There will now be fewer supplies in turn 9
8. Chapter 24 & 25 Balanced: Enemies will now have 5 less luck, so they will have less accuracy and dodge.
9. Fixed the positioning of some enemies to make them more dangerous and better protect the boss
10. Fixed some minor important errors
11. Fixed crash with Sophia’s dragon animation
12. Balanced the weapons of the heroes of Eliwood, Lyn and Hector. They will now be effective against demons and undead and will have greater accuracy and critical hit chance, but shorter duration.
13. Nergal’s weapon name and effect have changed.
14. Fixed the start of events in various chapters of the story, in this way the enemies will appear already deployed and you do not will wait for them to appear.
15.Balanced the character of Ninian, who when she reunites with the group after the events of chapter 18 will be at level 6 (before 3) and will now have a vulnerary.
Added chapter 27 ‘‘Abduction’’
Added chapter 28 ‘‘The Hawk and Aries’’
Fixed a problem with Ninian at the end of chapter 26.
A new weapon has been added, obtainable by defeating Aries
Edited and recolored bosses Pascal and Damian
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Added chapter 29 ‘‘Empty Words’’
Added chapter 30 ‘‘Alone in the Dark’’
Added Leia’s combat animation
Leila’s stats changed
Modified Eclipse which will now have an accuracy of +15% and an attack range of 15
Added a special weapon that can only be used by Leila.
Changed the secret shop merch and it will now be easier to find.
Upgraded and modified the Wo dao weapon that will now be more powerful.
Completed the third story arc of the story.
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UPS file updated.
Fixed a small error with the chapter 30 start event.
I noticed this error a few minutes ago, during a further test of the chapter.
I’m sorry 
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Lovely looking project. Do you happen to know when it’ll be completed?
Unfortunately this mod, as I have already described above, is all a “maybe”.
I don’t know if I’ll finish it and the story is always in transformation.
Everything was done spontaneously, without thinking.
When I want to enter this world that I have created, I continue to create and modify the story.
It all depends on how I feel that day, it could take a month or even a year to complete, or I could drop everything. I can not answer you. 
Added Chapter 31: ''The Jaws of the Wolf ‘’
Added chapter 32 ''Dying Wolf ‘’
Balanced Leila’s stats(SKL-3 SPD-1 HP-4).
Now the assassin and thief class will have the ‘‘Critical Plus’’ ability
Fixed error in Chapter 4 where enemies were too powerful.
Added ‘‘Force’’ weapons
Added ‘‘Spectral’’ weapons
Reduced enemy supplies in Chapter 19 on turn 6
Balanced the stats of the boss Kaim (SPD+ 1 LCK+ 4)
Balanced the stats of the boss Linus(LCK+7)
Changed the battle theme for bosses Kaim, Keslen and Georg.
Reduced the bonus of allied supports which will now only give STR\DEF and no longer EVD\HIT(Except Eliwood\Hector).
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Wplf…Wolf…>>>White wolf of Black Fang ~
No, it has nothing to do with it.
Although the game world is the same, the story is completely different, apart from some important things like the fact that Lloyd and Linus are brothers.
This is described at the beginning of the description of the mod.
This is also one of the reasons why I decided to recolor all the characters (except the protagonists because they appear in the original CG that I am using for the new story).
In short, therefore, each character will have a different story and a different past, and the story remains true to only a few important points of the original.
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Looking forward to the full version!
How many chapters in total?Have difficulty mode?
Honestly, at the end of chapter 32 I had an inner conflict.
I’m undecided whether to stretch the story and explain to the player what happened in the past and what led Linus and Karla to make those choices, or go straight to the final part of the story and later add this story as a DLC.
When the main story is completed I will add the Hard Mode, even there I am undecided whether to change the difficulty by adding enemies with custom inventories or just make them more powerful.
I will take a little pause to decide what to do, in the meantime I think I will focus on the support stories among the various allies.