Fates EXP System

I don’t think I ever formally released this, but it was brought to my attention that a) it was being used in FE Builder and so reached a much larger audience than intended and b) had a few bugs in it. This was originally created for FE Destiny.

Namely, there was a bug with promoted units and a bug with checking if it was hard mode.

I lifted the posted fix for the first bug, and fixed the second based on the comment left to my Dropbox. Find the corrected source and compiled dmp below. It should be hooked at 0x2C534, e.g.:

#define Free_Space somewhere
#include "Extensions/Hack Installation.txt"

ORG 0x2C534

ORG Free_Space
#incbin "Fates EXP Approximation.dmp"

@7743 Please update the dump used in FEBuilder accordingly.

compiled binary


Just for completeness sake here’s the data for Fate’s exp and my approximation and how they differ (it should be noted that yes, what this patch implements is not exactly the same, it’s an approximation).
