Edgy Narration Competition

All this time… i’d trying to forget what people try to remember, everytime i see their faces, smiling at me when they know i was a good for nothing, saying “is all right, maybe you need time to understand it”… Heh, what a cynical way to mock at me, i trust them, the shared blood blinded me… forget… i don’t know how to forget… my father corpse infront of me, the look of her, the same face that she use to express disappointment… i know both forget the blood that runs into their vains, live their life the way they always wanted… a life of forget… but i don’t forget and, much less, forgive… i don’t care if i have to destroy the whole kingdom, i will face at them, ready to say “the blood runs blue”

My family… I saw the breath of life leave their mouths as I was just a young child… That day marked me forever, as the most important day of my life. I don’t know why I survived, but I did. It made me feel like it was my fault… And in a way, it was. I couldn’t hold a blade to save my life! But that day, everything changed… In that day, I decided that the blade would be an extension of my body, a part of my soul… We’d be like two lovers, forever intertwined by our love of the sorrow, and our love would manifest through the spit of our enemies’ blood… But you wouldn’t understand. Nobody does, not even this blade… This burden, this vengeance, this dark brooding love… I carry by myself.

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“Who am I?” you say? Well, the people around me call me by different names. Some of them are saying that i’m the devil, others, a vengeful arcont. I wouldn’t say no to those things, but i’m even worse than that… You can call me the Cookie Master
But of course, you wouldn’t remeber me, why would you? That look you gave me as you stole my precious biscuit, my flawless dessert, my escape to this pathetic society that i’m currently living. Yes, that look made me realise that you didn’t care about me, you thought I wasn’t gonna do anything, did you? But look at us now, 35 years later. I’ve been counting the days, studied the blade, analised every single way to make this enjoyable. You wouldn’t get it, it requires an amazing brainpower (which you obviously don’t have) and a psycopath mind to make this. However, as the gentleman that i am, i’ll give you one more chance to look at the grass, watch the blue skies and listen the birds singing. Because this is gonna be the last time you’ll see them.


The truth about life, kid… Is that everyone wastes it. It is just a perspective… You could climb mount everest with actual tools, but you decided to do it with your bare hands… Only a fool would do that. And that fool is the FE Hacking community. I got to get back to pissing on Harvard. That dish is getting cold.

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You probably thought me dead. Assumed my quest for vengeance had ended…
I’m not sorry to say that isn’t the case. My dedication to the blade and my thirst for the sweet succor of revenge have kept me alive up to this point…
Alive for as long as it takes to murder you.

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So, what is it? Wanna know more? Hmpf… I’m no interesting guy, you know. Worked for a lot of people, mostly rich dumbsters like thinking the problem could easily be solved by your precious money. I tell you somethin’: Life’s not always that fair. Even for the most priviliged. I’ve seen those people, wagging with their bag full of shiny coins, with their dumb smiles that slowly turned into fright once they’ve realised that their heads will be poked onto a stick. This one Idiot - pretty fat, red hair, babbeling about beauty that must be preserved - thought some raiders would let him go that easily. In the end, the money was taken, and this douchebag was thrown off a cliff. Unlucky bastard. Watch your head little prince. Life’s gonna get you at some point.

I only have my blade… all of mine was taken… now, I’ll get my revenge after years of suffering and rivers of blood.
And you think such a dumb like you can stop me? Ridiculous enough…
It’s obvious you’ve never suffered, but I’m here to solve that problem…


the more I fight the more I hurt, who could understand?
pain comes for everyone, in different ways yes however
while you sit there sniveling I hone my blade, I sharpen its edge
you don’t know any of what I had to go through how would you know?
I only fight for my excitement the blade is the only thing that gives me life
perhaps when this glorious bloodbath of a war is over you will understand
every persons blood is cold even those like myself
now, tell me. who are you to tell me how I should fight? How I should live?
leave. before I become unstable




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You never should have come to this place… These woods which I once knew as my prison of solitude and grief. How many nights have I wasted away here, shedding tears and wallowing in the agony of disgrace, rejection, and exile…? Countless. So many that the foul essence of my pain now lingers in the very air of this cursed place… Do you not feel it creeping around you, slowly enveloping you like a poisonous, suffocating mist?

There was once a trespasser just like you. He had heard the rumors of these woods, and sought to know the source of the sorrow that emanated from within… When he came upon me, I… in my desire for human connection… confided in him. I laid my story bare before him in full vulnerability, in my desperate search for a sole ally… and he only laughed. That was the moment I stopped crying, for I could cry no more. My tears had been evaporated by the ever-growing inferno of rage burning within. In that moment, I swore that he would know my suffering… that he would feel my pain 10,000 fold…!
… The actions I took in that moment changed me. As of that day, I no longer hunt the creatures of this forest, but the wretched human souls who wronged me and still walk free. For now, only the latter can bring me sustenance. …
What…? Do you mock me? Do you not know to fear the will of a demon who feeds on vengeance? Then, trespasser, you have done me wrong… and have become my next mark."