Pretty straightforward question. I am very new to Linux, and I was trying to redownload FEBuilder, but it doesn’t work. Is there an alternative or something else I’m supposed to do?
you can dual boot, switch to buildfiles, or pray one of those wine wrappers works
I have absolutely no clue what any of these are, but, thanks. I’ll try.
I mention the two methods if using FEBuilder on Linux here (I went for the virtual machine route).
Buildfiles are the most friendly to native Linux.
It is possible to get it to work with wine, but it is not recommended.
This is because the debugger does not work.
If the debugger does not work, one of the attractions of using FEBuilderGBA is lost.
Thus, the solution would be to create a windows VM.
I personally just use wine via lutris. It works fine if you wanna make little changes here and there, or look something up, but is noticably slower for some reason.
Setting up a VM is probably the best idea.