Having a lot of good luck with using textures from Dark Forces 1 for battle platforms.
Steampunk set;
Dark Blue-Gray Metal Floor
Brown Metal Floor
Brown Metal Floor (Dark)
Gray Metal Floor
Mineshaft (Gromas Orange)
Mineshaft (Edited)
Sewer or Forest Temple (Light)
Sewer or Forest Temple (Medium)
Sewer or Forest Temple (Dark)
Badlands set;
Mineshaft (Light)
Mineshaft (Dark)
Snow and ice set;
Mineshaft (Light)
Mineshaft (Medium)
Mineshaft (Dark)
Fire cave set;
Mineshaft (Flat Ground)
Mineshaft (Peak Ground)
More battle platforms, all of these got put on the repository pretty recently;
Steampunk set;
Gray Metal Floor (Light)
Gray Metal Floor (Medium)
Gray Metal Floor (Dark)
Gray Metal Floor (Darker)
Gray Metal Plates (Light)
Gray Metal Plates (Medium)
Gray Metal Plates (Dark)
Bronze Metal Floor (Light)
Bronze Metal Floor (Medium)
Bronze Metal Floor (Dark)
Bronze Metal Plates (Light)
Bronze Metal Plates (Medium)
Bronze Metal Plates (Dark)
Navy Metal Floor (Light)
Navy Metal Floor (Medium)
Navy Metal Floor (Dark)
Navy Metal Plates (Light)
Navy Metal Plates (Medium)
Navy Metal Plates (Dark)
… so the first one is reduced to 16 colors, but I’m not sure if I like her with darker hair. It feels off for some reason. Kinda feel like she should have lighter colored hair to contrast with the dark brown/white outfit. That might mean her pauldrons and hair would have to be the same color, or that her hair and lipstick would have to be the same color… … and for some reason something looks … off … when she has brown eyes. I’ll figure something out, or release multiple variants.
working on making this a T1 mage class. The plan for the regular attack is for them to not raise their left arm over their head – saving that for the critical.
Right now it’s just a headswap but I really like it.
… hopefully now this makes what I was talking about in the previous post a bit more clear.
If anyone’s wondering if I’ll make a “femme” version of this, consider that this could be the femme version if you’re not a coward, but if you mean “long hair” (which can be either or neither), then yes, but when I say long hair, I mean hair in either a ponytail or a bun.
Yeah it’s still clearly based on Roy – the point is for them to not have the flowing robes you normally associate with a mage. This is a class that melee fighters and physical units could be even more worried about because they have actual defense. They’re not free kills at melee range like every other mage class is.
Absolute trash resistance though – their worst matchup would be themselves. Working name for this class is “Court Mage”.
Did a repal for the Court Mage, submitted all four variants (these two and the two in the previous post) to the repo. The idea was to make it easier to use for darker skinned characters, so that th
The first frame is a bit weird (the cape) but it works really well with the necromancer cape frames I used for the critical sooooo… I’m not all that motivated to change it right now.
So what do the palettes look like? Like this for the repal pair;
I sent it in to the repo, but if you’re impatient, you can get it here. This was made for my own projects, but it is also F2E (and I’d prefer that anything derived from this is also F2E as well…).
Fixed up a version of Masker from Bomberman 64… this would be NIMAP compatible if not for the orchestra hits from FE6 and the Lufia 3 violin.
… and then there’s this song from Kyle Petty’s No Fear Racing. The instrumentation isn’t that accurate, but if I made the instrumentation accurate, it could easily be NIMAP-compatible.
Man Masker takes me back. One of the first video games I ever owned was bomberman 64. It makes a pretty cool short battle theme, which kinda feels suitable for FE or Pokemon.