Crowdsourcing new skill ideas (Non-Pokemon)

Would that be easier to do over having to check every individual stat? Like an Angel Robe giving a +1 to everything and it caps at +7 after using 7 boosters? Cuz tbf i don’t see alot of people using much more than that on a single unit.

Sure, if you want to change how some of the items work. But you’d probably need two skills (one to handle the behaviour change and the other to handle the stat boosts) or you can’t have the item do anything on its own without messing things up.

I was hoping it could serve a personal skill for those 10k gold mercenary units that you get. This sounds like it won’t work like that?

My initial idea is probably more ideal without changing the existing behaviour, but I’d have to check at a later data to see if it’s even feasible to know which stat is being looked at, at that hook point.

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Ok if you can make it work that would be awesome. I think it would fill a niche for those types of units

Also i want to ask, does Merciless work on the same round it’s applied? Like if i have an Assassin with a poison sword, hit him the first time to apply the poison, will the second hit already benefit from the ensured crit?

It’s a prebattle skill so no. Those calculations are done in advance, at which point the opponent won’t yet be poisoned.

I haven’t really looked at all the stuff in skillsys so I apologise if some of my ideas already exist.

The Power of Money: unit gains either +1 damage or +1 crit per 1000 gold the player army has.

Overbreak: unit becomes able of making an attack with x2 damage but breaks their weapon to do it.

Toxicologist: all attacks inflict poison and render the user immune to poison.

Insomniac: user is immune to sleep, but every 5 turns becomes berserked for 1 round.

Cracked Armor: unit can sacrifice defense and res for speed at a ratio of 2 to 1.

Flex on them: a one turn provoke that grants +3-5 defense when used, only usable by axe wielders.

Heavier Blade: all speed penelties from weapon weight are doubled, but you gain the difference in might. (if you get -6 speed you gain +6 might)

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Are skills still being developed? Cuz if so, i’d like to see in skill format the Demon King’s mass summoning thing. Can it be done?

Here’s one that’s a weird skill that I don’t think anyone posted a skill that depending on the percent of HP that you have you get to do that much bonus damage kind of like an advanced Wars type skill.

These are technically monster skills (for two monster classes I’m working on).

Lustful (For my Succubus monster class): Gains “HP Drain” on attacks against male units.

Undying (For my Lich monster class): Fully heals HP at the start of the turn.

Essentially you need to kill the Lich in one turn or it “revives” back to full strength.

Another set of skills I’ve been thinking on are based on Chess.

Pawn Link - Allies directly next to this unit gain a buff, foes to the corner of this unit gain a buff too. Upgrades to Rook, Bishop, or Knight Link at level 10.

Rook Link - Allies in the same column or row of this unit gain a buff

Bishop Link - Allies to the corner of this unit gain 3 buffs

Knight Link - Allies in a L shaped pattern 4 tiles away gain a buff (one of which is Skill)

Not sure on the buffs, but it’d add a little fun chess theming to the game.

Pawn being the weakest, gives the enemy a buff too, but can become very powerful and flexible to your playstle.

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An HP drain skill already exists in Skillsys master. Solar Brace from Fire Emblem Engage. Always heals 25% of damage dealt. Made by Snerdels.

I think it would be simple enough to edit it to be 100%.

Undying is also easy to make. All you have do is copy Renewal and change the percentage in the code from 30 to 100.

Or you can overwrite an HP restoration skill you don’t like and copy the code from Renewal onto it. In my Hack I turned Relief into just a weaker Renewal (10% HP instead of 30%)

Ok. I know you’ve been busy lately, so I’m just gonna drop some skill ideas that I don’t NEED, but I just thought they were fun.

Anima Focus skills:
Fire Focus: When using a Fire tome, gain +5 hit and +5 crit
Thunder Focus: When using a Thunder tome, gain +1 attack speed and +5 hit
Wind Focus: When using a Wind tome, gain +1 damage, and +5 crit

And what counts as Fire, Thunder, or Wind tomes is pulled from the Anima Triangle patch table. So that it can be easily edited, and you don’t have to edit 2 separate tables.

Parity: (From Radiant Dawn) Use the Parity command to attack an enemy, and both user and enemy will not get the effects of skills, terrain bonuses, and support bonuses. Also includes aura skills from other units. Maybe you can also change it to include Dancer Ring effects, as well stat buffs and debuffs, like those from Barrier and Seal skills

Crit Parity: Use the Parity command to attack an enemy, and both user and enemy have 0 crit rate.

Support difuser: Unit does NOT gain support bonuses. Instead, allies within 3 tiles are granted the support bonuses that this unit would have gotten otherwise. This skill does not stack if multiple units have it, and are supporting the same unit (The first unit in the support list has priority), and also does not stack on top of the other unit giving the support.
(Example: Let’s say Treck and Zeiss both have a C support with Melady. And Treck is first in her support list. If both Zeiss and Treck have this skill, units that are within both Treck and Zeiss’ ranges will get the effects of Treck’s support with Melady, even if they are not within Melady’s range)

Ludopath: When this unit goes to the Arena, the bets are doubled, unless the unit does not have enough money to bet for the doubled amount. (If they can’t pay the double amount, but they CAN pay the normal amount, the normal amount shows up, and they can still bet)

Smash: Unit attacks last when initiating combat (Functionally, gives enemies Vantage+), unless the enemy also has this skill (in which case, normal combat rules apply). And pushes enemy 1 tile away after combat (only if initiating. Follows regular shove rules of not pushing someone into a terrain they can’t cross). Essentially, just the Engage Smash Weapon property as a skill.

Accost: From FE4, but altered slightly) Unit engages in another round of combat. Essentially, it’s as if you attacked the enemy twice in one turn, but without ever actually exiting the battle. So it’s almost like in the arena where it loops rounds of combat. Petition to also have the option to have it be a command. You can either make 2 versions of the skill, or make it a line that you comment/uncomment in the skill file. Unlike FE4, I would prefer if this was flat out just one extra round.

Staunch skills: Gain +4 (+10 for hit/avo/crit) in a stat for 1 turn by using Wait. Bonus persists, but does NOT stack if unit is refreshed. Essentially, I’m just taking the “Staunch” name from Dedue’s skill from 3H. I think these could be cool skills because unlike the Stance skills, they require you to use Wait. So, all the combat stats are +4, while hit, avo, and crit are +10. I think Alert Stance+ already works like this, but I heard the skill is bugged. And also, I think it would be neat if you also had Staunch HP, and it healed 10 HP when you wait.

Healtouch: (From Awakening) Healing Staves heal an extra 5 HP. Also affects Live to Serve

Heal Master: Healing Staves heal an extra 5 HP if unit has S rank in Staves. Stacks with Live to Serve and Healtouch.

World Tree: (From Engage) When using a Staff, Skill% chance of not consuming the staff’s durability. Essentially, just Armsthrift, but ONLY for staves, and based on Skill instead of Luck. Maybe you could also have World Tree +, which would negate staves from ever losing durability.

Charming face: All allies act as if they had a C support with this unit (Allies and the unit gain support bonuses for C rank, but without actually having a Support level). And these bonuses stack with actual support levels. So a C support becomes a B support, a B becomes an A, and an A support goes even higher.

Partner Skills: (From Fates)
Forceful Partner: +15 hit and +3 damage dealt by adjacent ally if user and ally can support.
Evasive Partner: +15 avoid and -3 damage taken by adjacent ally if user and ally can support.
Devoted Partner: +2 damage dealt -2 damage taken by adjacent ally if user and ally can support.
These I tweaked the effect conditions so they are not necessarily restricted to the Lord.

Counter+: Reflects all damage at 1-2 range. Essentially, just Counter and Countermagic rolled into 1.


Welp, may as well contribute some ideas here

Pulverize: On command, initiate combat with 2x ATK, 0 DEF/RES, 0 Avo and inability to double. Ripped straight from Berwick Saga, except you no longer have to stay still to use it. A favorite of high-damage classes like Fighter to OHKO enemies.

Incidental Heal: When using a non-healing staff (Barrier, Restore etc.) on another ally, 2xSKL% chance to heal them for MAG HP in addition to providing the usual effect. Makes Barrier/Restore/Warp/Rescue provide even more value than just their usual effects.

Critical Guard: When facing a foe with a 20% or greater chance to land a critical hit against this unit, grant +5 DEF/RES. Helps protect against getting crit by effectively reducing the damage of that crit by 15, if it even happens. Otherwise, it’s just extra bulk if you’re facing a lot crit.

Decisive Blow: When attacking, if user does not double, grant +4 ATK, +20 Hit, +5 Crit. Does not work with brave weapons. Slow classes can now reliably contribute better on player phase with one big, reliable attack.

Emergency Escape: When HP<25%, grant +2 MOV. Helps low-HP units run away to safety.

Overdebilitate: When inflicting a status condition on a foe (with weapon or staff), also give them -4 to all main stats for a turn.

Resist Artillery: When being attacked at 3+ range, +5 DEF/RES, +10 Avo, +10 CrtAvo. RES/Avo bonus also affects incoming offensive staves. Lets a unit walk through Bolting/Ballista fire with very little to fear.

Quick Shield: When being physically attacked, 1.5xSKL% chance to raise DEF by 5. A much less overbearing form of Pavise that is more fitting of shield-carrying, but not exceptionally bulky, classes such as Paladin and Hero to give them some extra defense.


Emergency Escape could also be called Defiant Mov


Tarrare: unit has 10% chance to eat an item in their inventory. If eaten, grants buff based on type

Tarrare: unit has 10% chance to eat an item in their inventory. If eaten, grants buff based on type

Eh, depending on the game/hack that could result in a bricked save/state/event.

Graverobber: when fighting undead unit has a skill% chance to “take” a weapon from their corpse depending on their type I.E a sword or lance from normal bonewalkers, axes from revanants, and bows from the skelebowyers.

Blood oath (name not final): like summon but it spawns a familiar that provides a strong bonus to their summoner as long as it stays alive can only be summoned once per map and provides an equally nasty penalty if slain. (to make it so you can’t just place it in the back row it also spawns an enemy with it to try to kill the entity each player phase)

Siege Engineer: once per map unit can consume gold to spawn a ballista, the power of the ballista correlates to the amount of gold spent.

Hi guys, been a while. I should mention I’ve come back to these and made a few more.

  • Ludopathy - Double bets and winnings in the arena
  • Insomniac - Can still move and attack if asleep
  • Blacksmith - Repair equipped weapon for a 1000G cost
  • Critical Overload - Gain +1 crit per +3 hit rate over 100

etc etc.

All skill contributions are going into the C Skill System. Check here to see what’s been added.


Just a small thing, but you have two skills with the name Dragon Wrath in this spreadsheet

EDIT: Also how does Limit Breaker work? Is the caps themselves altered or do the numbers beyond the cap get turned into the bonus green ones?

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Just a small thing, but you have two skills with the name Dragon Wrath in this spreadsheet

Good spot. One of them is actually called Dragon’s Warth, which I’ve assumed was a typo. It’ll probably need a name change.