Entry uhh 8?: Making a transforming manakete/laguz/etc class
This can be used to make a character that has a normal class turn into a dragon class.
Normally manakete characters use 4 animations to simulate their transformation in battles myrrh for example has a transform, revert, dragon fight and unarmed human animation.
By putting transform as an out of battle command you can dodge the need to make more custom assets, allows different pallettes to be used for the human class and dragon class and allows for more variety in manakete units because they can be normal classes OR dragon classes.
Patch requirements:
Special event per unit (7743)
Weapon lock skill system (vennou)
Step 1: Breakdown of the SEEU
We’ll runthrough the parts of SEEU:
- Unit is the character ID you want to be your manakete/laguz
- Class is the class they need to be in to access the command
- Flag is flags that need to be on for them to access the command
- Has item is the item needed for the command to show up on your menu
- Menu item is the command that will show up in their menu (additional tip: For menu commands add a space before the command. You can also change the text color of this command by going to
The advanced editor’s menu commands and
setting special in slot 2F color’s into yellow or the available color you desire.
This Special text will be replaced by the one you put in the patch
- Event pointer is where you insert the event that does the transforming
Note: Flag 25 here is a personal thing I set up to limit the revert event, if you don’t wanna limit the revert event or choose to end turn for both transform and revert event then don’t fill this out.
Step 2: The transforming event set up
Lets break down the transforming event:
*Purple boxes: These are cosmetic events, basically the event will move the cam to the unit, play manakete howl, start an earthquake, change the screen to white and then execute the event behind a white screen.
*Red box: This is the event that actually changes your unit into another class
*Yellow boxes: These are stat changes that you apply to the unit for example the first one will lower the spd of the unit by 11. The second one increase the unit’s def by 3.
(Change class will account for the con and move stat changes so these 2 stats don’t need to be adjusted)
*Red box: The one in the end does an active unit juggle, for this just set your lord or a character you know will always be on the map, the event under it ends the unit’s turn and the last part puts the cursor back to the unit.
Step 3: The revert event:
The second piece of the puzzle is to change the class part into the manakete/laguz class. This means the unit will only be able to use the revert command when they’re a dragon.
*Red box: This is a cosmetic event just like the transform event
*Pink box: This is the class revert event back to the detransformed class
*Orange box: This is a perfect mirror of the transform event, basically if you add a stat by 3 then lower it by 3, etc, etc.
*Green box: another cosmetic event
*Blue box: This ends the unit’s turn, if you want both transform and revert to end the unit’s turn then this set up is finished.
*Yellow box: This is just an extra event (For my hack) that basically refreshes my unit. As you can see this event also turns off flag 25 which if you recall allows the transform event, this is to prevent the unit from returning into dragon form again for the turn. (I also made a turn event from 1-255 that turns on this flag every player phase turn basically allowing only 1 revert and transform each turn.)
Step 4: The caveat and weapon lock
There’s 1 big problem with this set up which is…weapon rank. Class change doesn’t get rid of your weapon rank
This dragon would still be able to use swords but! there’s a crude but plausible solution for this
Weapon lock is a patch that allows you to lock weapons to characters and classes. We can’t lock the dragon from the swords so we will instead lock ALL swords into ALLLLLL sword wielding classes!!!. basically we’re outting the dragon from the cool sword club.
Here’s the set up, Hard class lock is basically just a lock that prevents the classes not in the table to use the weapon, otherwise it works like a normal weapon, if a unit has d rank swords but the locked sword is C rank they still can’t use it.
Now the red box is basicaly EVERY class that can use swords. And if you add a new class that can use swords then you need to expand this table and include them. Once you set that up go to item editor and
go to EVERY sword in your hack and add the lock to that right corner thing. and VOILA! you made a dragon that can use swords that can’t use any sword.
You’d need to repeat this process for every weapon you want the unit to be able to use but the dragon can’t ofc although HYPOTHETICALLY you could probably do this once including EVERY human CLASS and weapon in your hack to make a universal HUMAN lock.
Step 5: Assurance
Now I haven’t tested this yet but just to be save, you should put in check for the unit every chapter end event that checks if they’re still in dragon class, if so then call the revert event in the end chapter. This will ensure that the unit is back to human form before the chapter ends dodging all bs that can break this.
through all that suffering you get a transforming unit that:
*retains weapon ranks
*can use both human and dragon classes with different stats and weapons
*Doesn’t need custom assets to be made for them
this thang can be used for like every class switch. want a mage that can change into a spider? you can do that! Need a soldier that can turn into a cav? you can do that! It’s basically making a laguz without having to make the assets you need to make a laguz.