[CONTENT WARNING] [FE8] Black Dragon Arc 1: The Wolf and the Swan, Ver 1.0 (In progress)

The link to the patch was removed due to me being an idiot and forgetting to warn people of certain… dark content in the hack’s story.
I’m still working on the hack and will repost a link to it soon after I edit the script. Hopefully it will be ready sometime next month.


Looking forward to that new patch Bahamut. Keep at it :slight_smile:

Hello all,

I probably shouldn’t post this here since throwing a massive pity party generally looks bad, especially since my behavior hasn’t exactly endeared me to this community, but I have to be honest with myself for the sake of the few people who are invested in me continuing this project:


As someone who’s been in a similar place in the past: don’t stop creating. If it’s best for you to move to something lower-stakes for a bit, like music, invest some time in that, or maybe even try learning a traditional-medium craft as a means to satisfy the creative urge and explore something new (with some practice, you could even sell some handmade craftwork that way). It’s been a weird year, and it’s completely understandable to have been hit really hard by it all, but it’ll start returning to normalcy and stability soon enough.

It’s OK to take a break from your dream project and take time to heal and address your basic hierarchy of needs, and that includes your health. Best of luck, take all the time you need. I can tell you from personal experience that coming back to a project after this kind of break will give you fresh ideas and new ways forward.


This may not be what you want to hear, but believe me when I say that making a ROMhack isn’t going to get you out of your day job. ROMs can’t be sold, and the code that goes into it isn’t typically transferrable to other game formats, so it’s not going to be very good practice for anything.

That out of the way, there are ways to make money off of games. It just takes knowing some code and having a proper engine to work with. C# and Python are two that are used frequently by various development programs. One thing that you could do is start in Lex Talionis or Tactile with early projects and move to something like Game Maker or Unity from there if you’re looking to continue game design. (The latter option of Tactile -> Unity is what my brothers and I are planning to do, as both engines run on C# and should be a good way to get our feet wet before jumping into something larger.)

Alternatively, you could write stories or music (something I noticed you talked about rather extensively) and make money off of those through the internet. Lots of people find ways to do that, and while I’m not able to give failproof advice on how, I can say it is possible. I do know there are many different avenues for these as well.

And believe me, from experience, a girlfriend is NOT going to solve your problems. My fiancé, whom I had been with for 9 years, broke up with me on April Fools Day of 2020 (only a couple of weeks after our anniversary, to boot). And unfortunately, it wasn’t a joke. She had long claimed she supported me in my desired career in writing, but when I lost my job due to the Covid outbreak and was looking for a way to maybe keep some money coming in during a brief time between jobs, she said that writing would never make me any money, and that I would never get another job. She broke up with me and said some things that really crushed my motivation for months to come. Now, I got another job, of course, and within the past 3-4 months I’ve found much more motivation to do what I love, though the original book I had written, I’ve discarded for now, as it still has too many memories tied to her. BUT, I have been writing a new project and am close to being ready to share it with the world, and to be honest, I’m doing better now than I ever was with her.

All that to say that a girl won’t solve your problems. Wait until after you’ve figured out your own path. Someone else can’t pave that for you. You have to do it yourself. And if the person you’re pursuing doesn’t respect the path you’re trying to follow, then they’re not worth your time.

But yeah, I guess that also ties into your last statement. Someone can give you advice, but ultimately, you have to make your own path. Another person isn’t going to make everything easier. It’s not what you want to hear, and I know because I’ve been in your shoes of feeling down on myself before, and thinking, “Man, if only I could have SOMEONE to help me.” You have to get off your arse and work toward what you want for yourself. Let me emphasize again, NO ONE can, nor will, do it for you There’s going to be mud, and thorns, and wolves along the way. It’s going to hurt like hell getting there. But there is something on the other side that is worth reaching. I know, I’ve been through the worst of it, but I finally see the figurative light at the end of the tunnel. That’s not to say all will be rainbows and unicorns when we get there. Life sucks, being human hurts, and shit happens. But there is something worthwhile if you put the time in to get there. You’ve just got to do it.

One last note. If you’re creating for the purpose of getting praise, then you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. You’re going to feel unfulfilled every time. Do it because you enjoy looking upon the work of your own hands, not because you expect a pat on the back from it. Accomplishment doesn’t come from someone else’s evaluation, whether positive or negative. It comes from yourself. Do you feel like what you’re doing is worthwhile? Does it give you joy to see your projects completed? I’ve put a lot in this post for you to think on, so I think I’ll digress here. Good luck, my dude.


I’m over my angst now.
I’ve realized that I have to create for myself and for no other reason.
And I can’t spend so much time being sorry for myself.

See you when I have a new patch.