[COMPLETE][Srpg Studio] Rookie's Day

Remember MARTH? That single chapter contest at the beggining of the year?

After all this time I finally updated my entry to a truly complete state. Taking into account all the feedback recived, the chapter has been overhauled almost completely, from new art and QoL, the a full rewrite of almost all the dialog.

The story follows Marcos on his first day as a mercenary, joining a band of true and tried veteran on a challenging mission.

Gameplay wise, the chapter is a more sandbox experience with the Berwick saga turn system and a map the updates with multiple objectives.

You can see a playthrough of the first act here:

You can download it here:

As always, any and all feedback or comments are welcome.


Hi I am in that point of the chapter where I have to go in the dark to seize the throne from the enemy monster. What am I suppose to do with the pyre some instruction would be very much appreciated.

Had to post my question here since itch.io is having server problem that prevent me from posting my comment

Also why only let the player save at the start of the map and not after the battle start or when moving your units. You have a lot of save slot why so stingy?

Some how mange to make it through the Minotaur fight. Please tell me that the fight with the assassin is the final fight. I can’t take it anymore.
Please give the Team a Full Heal for the begining of every new Stage of the Map please. I hate having to start a new battle with some of my guy at half HP and I have to waste a turn healing them with vulnerary or staff:

Thanks for the short bitter sweet experience. At least our boy Marcos went out the way he always wanted, a Hero.
I give this game 9/10 because of the nice story(I always wanted to live through the story of an newbie adventurer/mercenary wanting to make a name for himself, your game deliver exactly what I wanted and gave the hero a fitting/realistic/sad ending fitting of the bright eye young hero/adventurer he was. The Character Portraits was beautiful. Map Sprite is good enough did you make it yourself or did you take it from somewhere else? The sad Piano music at the end really tie the final moment off well. I thank you
That 1 point deducted because you did not let me save at any point I wanted but only at the beginning of every new fight(thanks to that every time a character die I have to restart at the beginning of the fight). If you fix this I would gladly give this a 10/10,

That is all from Me, Hope to play more game from you!


Glad to hear you enjoyed the game Diealot, since you have beat the map the advice may come a bit late but the pyre should be use with the item command and then put on the spot you want it to appear.

Saving every turn? I’m too old school to allow for that :sunglasses:

Regarding the art, the map art is the McMagister 32px FE-style tilese.
The portraits and event art was generated using the Bing Designer and then cleanned with Gimp.
The sprites are the Srpg Studio default assets with their palletes editted by me.

I love your reaction to the last fight, I didn’t make the party recover between fights because I wanted to make the player feel as tired as Marcos and Americo’s group would be after being fighting all day long just to be met with another unexpected fight. And if I got that reaction from you, I can say I achieved my goal.

Also, you are welcome to check out my other games on itch, except for Crystal Seal (that I will someday finish… I promise, truly, really I will finish it :smiling_face_with_tear:) all of them are short stories like this one :smile:

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I will check your other game on Itch.io I promise!

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Fun game though a bit too easy imo, beat it first try with no deaths and im far from a fe pro ( i struggle with a lot of rom hacks on the site). Is there only one ending?

Oh and the Demigod class was cool but kind of wish you explained it

Ohhh the characters of this look so cool. This would be nice to see as a full blown game.

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