[COMPLETE][Lex Talionis] A Royal Summons - A "One Chapter" Game

Well, I’m not sure what happened, but I’ve got an achievement patch coming in hot to make all achievements attainable and nice.

The only other question I could think to ask is if you ever got any achievement banners popping twice? That would also explain it.

I don’t remember it happening. if it did it happened on one of the few first clears, as I wasn’t paying attention to it much till I got around clear 3 iirc on 1.01.

Okay, version 1.03 has been uploaded and the OP has been updated with a new link.

Turns out there was quite a bit of achievement funkiness involving improper variable checks. But aside from that I also discovered an annoying feature with Persistent Records when mixing them with variables.

Regardless, it means that a lot of bug fixes have been implemented once again.

The following bugs were addressed in the most recent update:

  • All Achievements should now be accessible and achievable.
  • Supports should now accrue across play-throughs properly.
  • The Secret Unit is now actually accessible, and the achievement relating to them is as well.
  • I’m not sure if I found the issue allowing progress with duplicate victories, but I’ve implemented some code fixes that might patch it up. There’s still always the chance that all the updates and patching are actually to blame too, so… :person_shrugging: :crossed_fingers:

As for those last few achievements that might’ve been eluding some people (through technical issues or otherwise), I’ll give the following hints:

  • Crow might like to talk to someone they have something in common with, but only after engaging in combat with them once.
  • That last stand scene that triggers when things are looking tough? Well, maybe that’s been fixed up to allow Crow to do something special.
    *Chests might not be super important in this, but they might have more than items inside them the first time you open one…
    *This last Achievement would take a MIRACLE for you to unlock :wink:

Was recording an LP for FEE3 and found a few new bugs to smash, so here’s a new patch to version 1.04.

The following issues were addressed in the even more recent update.

  • The Albatross ending is officially bug free. Finally.
  • A vagrant line of code from me testing supports was accidentally left behind, it has now been excised.
  • A certain pot will finally stop glowing upon interacting with it.
  • Shel once again only swaps with an enemy upon initiating combat when using Replace.
  • Severn can no longer double when using her Flurry attack, which led to a comical and mostly unnecessary 8 attacks at once.

I’ve also finally switched out the file link with a folder link, so I’ll never have to change it again! Wahooo for future proofing lol

Anyway, that is all, continue to enjoy your day.


New patch has been uploaded after some playtesting and streaming. Mostly bug fixes, but there is a good amount of balancing for Jane and a certain secret summon.

The following issues were addressed in the most recent update:

  • A number of gameplay issues relating to the Secret Summon.
  • Installed a new Ultimate skill for said summon.
  • Gave Jane her own unique weapons like she deserves.
  • Doomtouched no longer affects allies.
  • Secret Summon event no longer triggers improperly. This is the third time I’ve thought I fixed the issue, but it should be actually fixed now lol

Even with FotF’s release, there’s still a lot I want to do to improve ARS, so expect a few updates here and there with various additional content. As well as bugfixes as they’re reported.

A new update to Lex Talionis leads me to a new update for A Royal Summons.

The following issues were addressed in the most recent update:

  • A hanging speak bubble was popped.
  • A mischievous Albatross stacking on top of units was pushed away.
  • A misspelled Shel will now speak up before being slaughtered.
  • The combat screen will now be slightly less confusing thanks to some slight ui editing.

But on top of these minor bugs, there’s one huge thing this update brings with it. One of my favorite new features I’ve played with in LT. Foreground tile layers!


Now people can feel nice and secure behind trustworthy rails.


Started this today and gotta say, this is really really cool and creative. I love!

Got 3 endings so far, including the abrupt end if you count that^^

Got a bug report tho:

If you use an Aoe attack and a unit in range has a Mirace ring, the unit doesn’t die, but ring doesn’t break, either.

Here i used Severe Flurry to attack a unit alongside the mage. The attack was lethal to the mage, yet it didn’t break the ring and they survived.

Edit: The mage died with the attack after and the ring crumbled after he died. So i guess the ring activated before but i got the message later?

I will keep playing as i am having a blast :smiley:

I totally remember this happening and then completely forgetting about trying to address it haha.

So yes, the Miracle Ring specifically has an issue when it’s part of combat on an AOE target.

The issue is only cosmetic, in that the Miracle use is counted and the unit won’t have an extra EXTRA life, it’ll just keep a useless ring equipped.

The only gameplay issue that this can really cause is actually a benefit to the player lol. Because I think you might still be able to steal the ring before it’s technically crumbled, and have a working Miracle Ring in the end.

Just a fun quirk haha, but I will add a note of it in the OP, thank you for reminding me, and I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself <3

I wish you luck with the remaining 2 or 3 endings, I only realized recently how difficult one of them is really to get because of the low MOV XD, so I might be releasing a patch for that after my next update for my other game Fate of the Fallen on the first. Look forward to that QoL update :+1:

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Bug Report:

Shel’s refresh doesn’t work when caretaker is active. Aslong as she has caretaker she can only refresh when beside an injured ally.

I’ll check that out immediately.
Thanks for the report.
By Refresh, I assume you mean Prescribe?

I’m actually not having this issue at all.
All of her items are working as expected with Caretaker, whether next to an injured ally or not.

If you can give me more details or reproc steps I could check again to see what I come up with.

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No, i mean the Mana regen.

When i use it while caretaker is active, she gains no MP.

Oh my god, that’s hilarious XD

I didn’t even think to check Refresh during my tests.
Also just woke up and forgot I named it that haha

Something is definitely messed up, and I’m getting to the bottom of it, but I’ll hopefully have a fix for it sooner rather than later.

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New patch with a variety of bugfixes relating to end game content as well as QoL.

The following bugs have been addressed in the most recent update:

  • A bunch of issues with the last two runs, including choreography and typos have been fixed.
  • Shel’s refresh issue relating to her second skill has been fixed and in fact improved. Try it and see what I mean.
  • An issue relating to Summons(Empress in particular) being unable to die has been addressed. I have no idea why it was only happening for Empress and not any of the other summons, but it shouldn’t happen anymore.
  • The big QoL improvement that took way longer than I thought it would is that discovering the Hidden workshop is now infinitely easier. Ryleen is still the only one who can appreciate art, but the other units, including summons, can now investigate to try and find the switch. This should make searching throughout the house for the key a little less of a chore.

On a separate note, I’ve really got to start cracking down to make the trailer for FEE3. I was curious if anyone had any thoughts on cool things you think the trailer should highlight. I’d love to hear what the players think.


Time to try and get the last ending!

I hope. I kinda can’t figure out the condition to it. There’s something i wanna try but i doubt that’s the one

AoE refresh time?

Because she’s an Empress. Even death bows down to her!

For me imo the big highlights are the routes, the summons and magic system! Those are what drew me in in the first place, and what i find really cool!

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Thanks for the feedback, I think showing off a summon or two is a great idea. I’d like to show off the routes, but I don’t wanna give too much away lol.

Which endings do you have already? I have an idea of the one giving you trouble, but I’m not positive lol. There are a few hints and tips in the Credits file if you need them.

Honestly, yeah. She might be my favorite lol

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  • Servant Quarters Escape

  • Underground Lab Escape

  • Secret passage Escape

  • Defeated Jane

  • Abrupt ending/Game over

  • Summon Death Ending

I figured as much.

Spoil Hints

I’ll let you know that Albatross is a good place to look for that last ending. He seems to have an interest in Crow. Maybe try to get those two to talk. They might have to fight some things out first.

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So my hunch was right :smiley:

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I do love it when the endings aren’t completely unidentifiable lol

Go get that ending and beat the game for real-real XD

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True End, get!

That was an interesting, unique and fun ride!

If i have to critic one thing:


The Albatross ending…i think you guide the player to make it one of the first endings to get? Betrying the party after all these loops and the bonds made felt a bit weird, ngl.

Thanks for the fun!


Nice work! So glad you made it to the end!
I hope it wasn’t too hard, and that you had a good time doing it.

Critique Reply

You know, that is a great point. I actually constructed the Albatross end before realizing the loop narrative, so I didn’t even think about that. I should add a variant to that specific ending that checks how many endings deep you are. And changes accordingly. Love the feedback, thank you so much <3

Thanks for playing!

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