Chair's Jukebox

Late, but to be fair to your early works, Derpin’ is basically perfect and is literally me when I’m trying to sleep but some meme song keeps me up until 2 am.

On the subject of music theory (which I am a novice in, but love to geek out about), would recommend Adam Nelly and Trevor Wong on youtube. Neely has some exploratory/experimental stuff for different styles, and Wong focuses on emo/math rock. Not sure how relevant that’ll be for GBA hacking (although an emo FE soundtrack sounds neat to me). These two are a bit more advanced and niche, but fun (For me at least) to learn about.

Andrew Huang also has a good intro to music theory:


I actually would advise against watching Neely’s videos; they’re very unstructured and don’t really go into proper analysis, which is not a good foundation for beginner music theory. They’re fine if you want something interesting but you won’t gain much practical music theory from them. He’s more interested in shocking/engaging viewers than he is in teaching them.

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While they’re not perfect, I like that final map theme a ton. I look forward to seeing future stuff.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend them to a beginner, but interesting to watch if you get more advanced. Agree that his stuff is less instructional by nature.

Theme song for the edgelord, Kitozawa from Vision Quest by @Pandan (thread here)

Just look at him:


I wouldn’t expect you to understand, kid. With this blade in hand… I will forge a new path. Get out of here, if you know what’s good for you.


Genuine suggestion: consider remaking the soundtrack you did for THWD. Even though Agro’s scathing review on them was fairly accurate, you’ve since clearly learned and grown as a musician and I feel you might like to consider remaking the THWD tracks with the things you have learned. There is honestly some potential in them with some fairly sick beats.


I agree. You likely have improved as a musician.

Remaking the THWD soundtrack

The project is done, if I did go back and redo any of them it’d just be for shits.

However I did make like 19 tracks for Fractured Realm (project link here) over the past few months if you wanted to check those out. Most of them are in the current public build (and for the time being I’m too lazy to share them here).


But the sick beats…

Another character theme, Honeydew from Vision Quest.



More Vision Quest character themes!

The man with the tragic backstory, doomed to be edgy… Gunnar:

The protagonist himself, Storch:

*Tracks didn’t have actual titles at the time of recording


You still need a stronger bass line dude

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Sorry for the low volume, but here’s Fractured Realms’ Ch9 theme that plays throughout player and enemy phase.

‘Together, We Strive!’


snow stained red 2.0: actually good this time

for real tho, i like it! it seems like it’s giving a feeling of triumph against terrible odds, and i like it :OOO


snow stained red is also great though

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THAT IS BULLSH- Oops, wrong song.

And is that a Brawler near above the ballista?

Play the game to find out ;D