[BETA][Lex Talionis] Fate of the Fallen - 21/21 Chapters

More fog related issues lol

Thank you for the notice, I’ve done as the bug commanded and sent the error to rainlash haha

However, I found the issue myself afterwards, and it was just a weird switch up with the way the item was created. The issue has been fixed and a patch will be uploaded soon. Along with a fix for the using items in fog issue.

there only an exit on the right side.

it was more tedious then anything. the start was a bit rough but after that it started to slow down and just make things move at a crawl.

I will check out that Escape issue.
Hilariously, the proper escape regions were only implemented if Cazt was the one to reach the manor. Guess this is the first time anyone else did the visit event XD. This has been fixed and will be included in the next patch.

And wow, 40 turns, that has to be a new record lol

New patch has been uploaded. This patch fixes all the bugs brought to my attention so far, so it should be a much less bumpy ride.

This will also probably be the last patch before I release the next chapter on my Patreon on the 1st. Once that’s released I’ll probably only release patch updates for that version unless there’s something completely game breaking. These fixes will of course eventually come out for the public version, just once a month instead of ASAP.

The following bugs were addressed in the most recent update:

  • The Poisoned status, and all other temporary statuses that no longer persist between chapters.
  • Moving into FoW and using an item is not completely possible. This was an engine bug, and rainlash did a terrific job helping make Fog a more hospitable place for us all.
  • The Elite Torch can now be used as intended. This should help make the gaiden a lot easier to deal with.

Please do keep reporting any and all bugs, but also feel free to just let me know how you like my little project here. Just remember to please keep the spoilers to a minimum <3

I have a question about the setting. Can children be born in Purgatory?

That’s a great question that I haven’t thought about much.


Maybe we’ll find out though lol?

My head wants to say no, but my heart kinda loves the idea XD

that’d bring forth some issues because there’s no aging in purgatory so it’d be a baby forever, but that’s just the kind of dark fucked up thing i love in stories

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I can’t agree more. It might not be this story, but a baby in Purgatory sounds like an awesome tale I might have to tell later lol.

blue stone crashes the game when using it. I just wanted to see what it did. I used it in the danger den.

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Thank you for the alert. Yes, promote events went through an update a while back that messed up spacing in the code. I’ll take care of that asap.

My Patreon has been launched and Chapter 8 has been officially released on there.

This release also notes a few changes based on feedback from here. Such as Reclassing reassigning the gained weapon exp of lost weapons. No longer will you have to start from E axes for Wyvern Rider Sidney.

This version and any updates I patch onto it before the end of the month will be released publicly here and all the other places on the 1st of August. But if you can’t wait, and you want to help make FotF cooler, then click that Patreon link and/or join the newly launched (and basically empty for the moment) discord.


It’s the 1st of the month, and that means its time for a new FotF update.

This update brings to the public Chapter 8 as well as a slew of changes to the way that reclassing works. If you’re interested in more details, I’ve included a changelog in the folder of the game, so you check that out.

Chapter 8 is one of my favorites because it’s got a bit of a weird win condition, it’s not necessarily hard to accomplish, though it could be trouble if you’ve killed any fliers you could have at this point.

It also has one of my favorite characters with a really interesting PRF kit. It’s pretty simple at the moment, but I’m looking forward to adding to it in the future.

As always, the link in the original post will now take you to the new version.

This Chapter is now public because Chapter 9 has just been posted to the Patreon. Chapter 9 is a pretty crazy chapter, it’s about the same size in scope as Chapter 7x. Not only that, but it also has a Gaiden of it’s own.

If you like what you’re playing and want to support future progress of the game, and even have some say in how it improves, consider joining my Patreon and/or Discord. You can get in on the ground floor and help FotF reach new heights!

Chapter 9 Patreon Post


I killed the dude instead of talking to her with the book. I hope she isn’t forever stuck with 50+ con and -1 movement.

Autolevel screwed her stat wise.

Chapter 8 is pretty fun. found no other bugs and the gimmick of the map was fun to deal with. poor dude couldnt reach the fort to get out of the tunnel he used.

Noticed you buff a bunch of growths. even with those buffs 3 of the units besides S got really rng screwed with auto level. Baxter, Aki, Xaliander. Poor aki barely has 10 speed so he cant do his job as a theif.

MVP again is Sidney. I did redo every chapter just because.

oh ya noticed Trickster’s power lasts longer then 1 turn. Looks like it lasts infinitly

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You know what, I will make sure that shackle is removed at the start of chapter 9 just to make sure no one gets stuck with her all shackled up haha.

And I didn’t actually buff anyone, I instead made the autolevels dynamic (which means that every time they don’t get a stat leveled up, the odds of it increasing in the next level go up) instead of truly random, but yeah sometimes RNG really wants to screw you lol.

Sidney is a good egg. They’re really awesome and deserve love. Definitely one of my favorite characters that I added after my initial rough draft.

And I’ll look into that Trickster issue, but I think I might’ve already fixed it in the Premium version, so maybe thanks, past me lol

It’s the 1st of the month again, and that means its time for another new Fate of the Fallen update!

This update brings to the public Chapter 9 as well as 9x the second Gaiden chapter of FotF, and this one is a good deal more complicated to unlock. Additionally, the Staff rework has been started! It’s not finished, but it does make Kai a good deal less useless.

Chapter 9 is the sign that I’ve gotten real comfortable with the engine. It’s a huge in scope map, with complicated conditions and variables and so many events. I love it, but get ready for a long chapter. I always test chapters with a minimal amount of grinding, but if you take advantage of Skirmishes, I’m curious how much of a challenge this map will be for you.

Chapter 9 also includes FOUR new recruit-able units. And I love them all. They’ve got an awesome kit with a unique team skill that took maybe too much effort to get working how I wanted.

As always, the link in the original post will now take you to the new version.

These Chapters are now public because Chapter 10 has just been posted to the Patreon. Chapter 10 is a much simpler chapter compared to 9, but it is the first escape map of FotF, which I’ve had some playtesters race through and miss a bunch of stuff in it. Doesn’t bother me if you wanna speed run a chapter lol.

If you like what you’re playing and want to support future progress of the game, and even have some say in how it improves, consider joining my Patreon and/or Discord. You can get in on the ground floor and help FotF reach new heights!

Chapter 10 Patreon Post


I dont think you ment for vemon staff to give players hit 1 exp. She got hit by a vemon staff user in chapter 5. then going back to danger den this happened.


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You know what, I had this happen in one of my tests a while back, but I couldn’t figure out what was going on or how to reproc it. That is interesting, I’m going to look into the Venom Staff and see what weirdness is goin on.
If you have any more details, please do share them, because this is definitely not intended lol

So looking into it, I’m not sure how Venom Staff could have anything to do with it. But I’m very perplexed by the fact that your level_down happened at the exact same point that my level down did. The first fight after Chapter 5. For me, it was in Chapter 6, but as soon as she shot someone, she lost all her exp and became level 9. And at this time she wasn’t poisoned and hadn’t gotten hit with Venom
If you can give me exact reproc steps I’ll be able to have a better idea of what’s going on, but right now it seems like something funky is happening in chapter 5

Update 1

I think I figured it out. It’s very weird and actually kinda funny.
I forgot that I made her level cap 10 until chapter 7, but I’ve given the units the ability to class up by reaching their max level, only… she doesn’t have a promote so instead she’s kinda locked in a limbo of gaining and losing exp. I’ll make sure to fix this one way or another. Might just have to remove the Sacred Stones-esque ability to promote without promote items.

Final Update

I’ve finally been able to replicate it, but only when using a save from a previous version. You weren’t happening to be using a safe from a previous version from before her level was reduced were you?
It seems to only occur when playing with a Reese who has EXP within or over her level cap, so level 10 with 23 exp would have her exp reduced to 0 and have her level reduced to 9.
I’ve not been able to replicate this behavior on a clean save.

it was on a clean save. I will try again on chapter 5. still have my save there. I wanted to see all the changes and loved all the stealables so far.

1st reattempt on chapter 5, cant repoduce it.

I think I found the cause, it when you skip enemy battle phase for Reese it happens.
confirmed, I repoduced the bug. skipping Reese enemy battle phase gives her exp.

and proof of how it happens. https://imgur.com/a/zIhKhMU

I did rewind on the save when it first happened to make sure I got no delevels it was annoying to not use her till promotion

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Something else I noticed is a lot of units lost A rank on weapon rank making them unable to use their A rank weapons. Most noticable is the starting 4 mooks in the prolouge, and Galdez so far.

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That’s a hilarious engine bug, I love it. Thank you so much for finding it, I’ll go and send a bug report to the discord.

And I thought I caught all the Wexp I had to change, but I guess not. If you catch anymore weirdness let me know and I’ll fix them up too. Hope you’re liking the changes, and that Kai is a little more worthwhile to use lol