Best Way to play FE6?

Hello everyone! Just a quick question:
I want to start an ironman run of FE6, I’ve played that game to death, but I’ve never done an ironman run of it, and I was wondering: what do you guys think is the best way to play FE6? Because I’ve played the vanilla game and project ember, but I do know that there are a tons of balance patches for FE6, so what do you guys suggest? Stick with the vanilla version, or are there any other “definitive” ways to play FE6? RIght now, I’m split between Vanilla and Project Ember, but I’ll gladly take suggestion :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!


You can play my version I guess, idk if there’s a “best” answer in the first place.


In my humble opinion, the best way to fully enjoy it is to play the vanilla version on real hardware: particularly on GBA SP (ags101) or, as an acceptable alternative, on DS Lite via GBA flashcart. Assuming one wants to relive the original, nostalgic and authentic sensations. :sneezing_face:


There really isn’t a definitive way to play Fe6. Fe6 rebalances are a dime a dozen these days, but I’d say stick to a more “authentic” variant of Fe6 if you prefer not having to deal with so many of base Fe6’s… frustrations.

The great thing about Fe6 ironmans is that you get a lot of units that also suck, so losing them doesn’t feel that bad. The problem with those ironmans is that losing a really good unit like Rutger or Melady feels a whole lot worse, but that’s kinda how ironmans be sometimes :sweat_smile:


Just play vanilla. There’s a million attempted rebalances and none of them are a replacement for vanilla. FE6 has its problems, just like every vanilla FE game, but these rebalances usually introduce new ones and/or remove things that give FE6 its identity.


I second this. Vanilla Binding Blade gives you so many units that despite the difficulty, an endurance run is arguably very easy to do. This is no secret since FE6 is essentially a soft reboot of the franchise that retells Archanea in its own way. Since you seem to already be intimate with Vanilla FE6, the run will be even easier for you compared to someone playing FE6 for the first time. I honestly feel like PE, as cool as it seems, really makes endurance runs more frustrating because unit identity is more strictly defined in PE compared to FE6.


It is trash.
(this is my opinion)


Which one? FE6? Project Ember? Just the very idea of endurance runs?

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Like most of the users on here, unless Nintendo creates an official Binding Blade remake for the Nintendo Switch or later console (not the romhack made by that dude with FE8 engine with skill sets), you’re better off playing the vanilla version cuz that’s the only way you can experience it in a true way. I played the OG on the GBA cartridge twice and it was fun, even my dawg Roy (despite his obvious issues) though it’ll be cool if they have certain things that would make the game a little bit easier. The other versions if you truly desire it, you can play the enchantment patch with QoL features (aka The Binding Blade Plus), play that instead and it has a Casual Mode to reduce the stress of using units (tho keep in mind that Roy’s defeat still ends in a Game Over). Other patches that tries to change a bit of Binding Blade and/or stay close to the vanilla like the buffs to other units, increasing hit rates, and Roy’s earlier promotion, then I strongly recommend Project Sienna, my favorite types of rom hacks. Well that being said for the best and true way to play the Binding Blade, play the vanilla or the enhancement base patch, but for something similar to it play Project Sienna instead but if you want a fun experience play Project Ember or Dual Lords as your alternative experience. Hope this work for you.

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