Ai vs Ai Battle System?

I simply curious if anyone has made a system in which you can deploy AI controlled characters onto a map to fight other AI controlled characters to just see who would win. And maybe a system to go along with it to quickly swap out who is fighting who and redo the fight all over again.
I was wondering what to do to go about making a hack like this or if something like this already exists.

The easiest way i could imagine is recoloring the green faction ai into blue

The closest to that that Iā€™ve made is in my FE8 Free For All hack, in the Arena mode Link to the post for more information and video . The other modes in FE8FFA do have a lot of AI vs AI still, but thereā€™s also player units. In most of my other hacks that you can see in my profile here I also have NPCs in every map, so you might be interested even if itā€™s not exactly what you asked.

Iā€™ve also made patches for FEBuilder that let you change whether the player or AI control each of the factions, which you could use to make blue units controlled by the AI.

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Iā€™ve vaguely wanted to make berserk suitable for ai vs ai for a while, so I went ahead and finally did it today.

All you need to do is give units the AI you want and set them to all be berserked every turn. The SetUnitStatus patch as a turn event can do that.