A bit more Restrictive PME (Patch Out, Eirika route Only.)

Oh and i noticed my axe cav seraphina doesn’t have axe axcess. Thats fine i understand the class may not have worked but would it be possible to give her axes and just have the anims not work? If possible remove her lance axcess as a cav and paladin? Oh and i just realized that i misspelled finns description. Change theif to thief if possible.
Oh and i noticed that all the cavs have high weapon ranks. If its not too much to ask could mike have D lnc D swrd meena have C lnc and E swrd and seraphina have C axe, and E swrd. 2 c ranks on all the cavs felt a bit high.


Fixed all this

As always, thank you VelvetKitsune!

Updatin time!


More stuff from a quick playthrough~

  • Diego’s description seems to have a ‘]’ just before ‘wearing’.
  • Leighton’s description has ‘pinishes’. …huh.
  • Finn has a staff rank!
  • Seraphina has the same name length problem.
  • Griffin Master class name is also too long.
  • Griffin classes aren’t weak to bows.
  • Ludger’s description also seems to be off!
  • It would seem that no-one has their death quotes!
  • Brunnhilde seems to be level 10 instead of assumedly level 1
  • Pahahenki does not seem to be in the right class.
  • Maelduin class has no promotion gains, oh dear.
  • Sou’len-Ren’s Solar Brace can’t be used to promote, I’d assume the same for Ferrous and Lunar Brace



Both use Knight’s crest to promote, sorry for not informing


I like how people change pfp and i m like who is this he has regular and a familiar name lol congrats on your second hack (i think) my friend.


Can i still make gameplay suggestions. If so heres mine.
Wind sword is now a 1-2 range sword with no magical properties.
Stats are
8 weight
No crit
30 uses
D rank
Wind sword is also buyable from every armory that sells javelins and costs 600 gold.


Welp, poked at the Griffin Knight idle map sprites so it should line up more properly on the map, credits still just go to Blue Druid.
Griffon Knight (U) {Blue Druid}-stand


Do you plan on updating this hack further?
There are still a few issues such as

  • really high weapon ranks on the basic cavs (mike meena and seraphina are my submissions and have c,c which is better than most units at that time. I have detailed exact ranks but tbh this is a bit of a nitpick and doesn’t change much if left how it is.)
  • Seraphina still doesn’t have axe access
  • Cadmus was supposed to be a brigand.
  • finn still has a staff rank.
  • finally seraphina has both her skills at level 1. I realize i never put a exact level for her to learn it and thats my bad. Maybe make her second skill a level 10 skill.
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I do plan to still update in the future, but my main focus isnon the current project. Don’t worry, this isn’t getting shelved.


I dont want to be that guy but im gonna ask, when will the next update be if there is one. I dont want to sound greedy but i really want to play through this but there is still a few things that are off.


i dont see how thats greedy. And i too want to play through it.