Unit Movement Speed:
0x00 = Don’t use this. Unit’s map sprite jumps to destination after unit’s turn is finished.
0x01 = Extremely slow (takes ~4.5 seconds for unit to move 1 space!)
0x10 = Normal game-speed option + class has slow movement setting. (knight, shaman, civilians)
0x20 = Normal game-speed option + class has normal movement setting.
0x40 = Fast game-speed option.
0x80 = Super speed when holding A after completed game.
It seems 0x80 is the fastest speed.
FE7 Speed Settings:
Only the normal game-speed option makes use of the speed setting in class data (byte 0x07).
Table at 08C9D03C:
Index 00 (normal class speed) = 0x02
Index 01 (slow class speed) = 0x01
End Table
Multiply table value by 0x10 to calculate movement speed.
0806D4BE = Movement speed for fast game-speed option. (Default 0x40)
0806D476 = Movement speed when holding A after completed game. (Default 0x80)
0806D45E: Replace 0FD1 with 0000 to disable the completed game requirement for the hold-A speed change.
FE8 Speed Settings:
Normal game-speed table: 089A2C78 (used in the same manner as FE7)
08079514 = Movement speed for fast game-speed option. (Default 0x40)
080794FE = Movement speed when holding A after completed game. (Default 0x80)
080794EE: Replace 0BD1 with 0000 to disable the completed game requirement for the hold-A speed change.