FE Fates Discussion Topic


i’ve never hated a lord as much as i hate kamui. Nohr!Kamui has to be the most awful lord in the franchise. oh my fucking god. he’s morally reprehensible and should be shot on sight.
i fucking hate kamui. The writers should be fired. They did a fucking terrible job.

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He just makes terrible decision after terrible decision, even in Birthright.

By the way, I started playing Birthright on Hard mode. I would equate the difficulty to somewhere around Roy HM… challenging, but not impossible, especially without grinding.


Birthright Kamui is only slightly better, but still bad.

Like, pretty much everything else is okay, but Kamui is such a fucking dumbass that it detracts from everything else.

[Spoiler=Minor Conquest spoilers]Oh my “dad” tried to have me killed multiple times but it’s okay I’ll earn his respect eventually[/spoiler]

i really love the part where he doesn’t tell his family that deserves to know the truth about their own father. For such a charismatic and good guy, I really think it fits his character to do the least morally and ethically correct thing to do in chapter 15
I also like how they exhaust ZERO FUCKING OPTIONS
I like how Aqua says she strives for peace but resorts to continuing a violent path

fucking top notch writing here

or hey. what about those contrived, yet meaningless plot devices like the crystal ball or the curse?
Or better yet, how clever was it that Aqua just used a different color dress to hide her identity but left her absurdly unique hair out in the open?
Or -and i really love this one- Iago’s annoyingly inconvenient but at the same time convenient illusion watching powers?
Or hey. Didn’t it really develop Kamui’s character and fixation on NOT killing Hoshidans when KILLED THAT ONE HOSHIDAN IN THE SPACETIME THING IN HIS C SUPPORT WITH AQUA?


Have I mentioned how much I fucking hate this shit? Like seriously, this plot makes Radiant Dawn look like Shakespeare.


There’s no turning back. Self-inserts and waifus are the wave of the fuuuuture!


hey remember
when Roy was overwhelmed by Zephiel’s might and was scared of him. So he also joined up with the rest of the Lycian traitors and tried to befriend Zephiel until he could hope to kill him at the end?
Oh wait, Roy had a backbone.


Seriously though fuck Iago and his “I’m everywhere at once” shit with a cactus

I know FE stories aren’t top notch but Conquest is such a step down from Birthright’s (which also wasn’t that great) that it makes me wonder if the same people even wrote them.

Iago: say… I never saw you buy that sword, where’d you get it?
Corrin: don’t question me you fuckboy. Want me to add your blood as stains on my armor bitch? Watch that mouth of yours. You’re just a pussy ass adviser to King Garon. You are maggot under my foot you scrub.
Garon: what did you call him?
Corrin: there’s a maggot under his foot, let me scrub it


It always breaks my heart when writers that are worse than I am are being paid for it.


I sort of see this topic as a general bitch-em-up about FE14 in general now, so I just wanna quickly whine about this.

There’s a four dollar price difference, and if you’re an Aussie gamer and haven’t heard of OzGameShop you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Like, what the fuck, man?

Meanwhile my favourite and clear best 3DS game Virtue’s Last Reward is only 30 dollars, half the price of Awakening and/or Fates…
That makes me so sad.

I’m only half way through birthright but i have to say…how do you not kill anyone when you’re at war. Like, I get that the writers probably, very big probably, gave corrin such a bland personality is probably to appeal to everyone who wanted to do a self insert or make it easier to relate to corrin. But really, this guy has no backbone, jeez.

Conquest Kamui: I don’t want to hurt any Hoshidans
Birthright Kamui: We gotta kill all these fucking Nohrians so we can end the war

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Is that an accurate summation?

Could be writer bias.

One of the maps in conquest literally has you knocking hosbidians out instead of kill them

All the maps in birthright are just kill nohr

Well, Micaiah did exactly that on Radiant Dawn (The hair part)

Goodbye Fire Emblem, it was a pleasure meet you when you were epic.
At least we have good hacks.

There’s one thing in Conquest that really confuses me (and half makes me think Conquest was originally going to go down like Revelations.)

Why did Azura go to Valla, have the Avatar with them, then not tell the Avatar about Anankos? The curse they made up to make the story make ‘sense’ doesn’t even apply here and she still doesn’t say anything, she just has a random crystal ball lol.

I’ll be frank here but you guys are blowing Birthright and Conquest wayyyy off line.

Conquest may be Kamui being wishywashy, but remember, the curse is part of the plot, it’s what Aqua’ve been fighting against all these years, and now Kamui’s involved after he accidentally followed her to Valla.
Kamui PLANNED to rebel/change against Garon’s tyranny, but he wasn’t big yet. He had no army, just few retainers and makeshift soldiers who like him more. He knew his siblings would not kill their own father without reason, even if there is a good one because said father is still fatherly even if slight in the Conquest. Kamui needed concrete reason to ask his siblings to kill their own flesh and blood relative. If they mentioned anything about Garon being Anankos’s puppet they’d go poof, because that is relevant to Valla due to Garon being part of Valla now even if he’s outside Valla. Also, he wasn’t trying to earn respect, he was trying to earn Garon’s trust so he could fool him. Before knowing Garon’s real identity, he wasn’t trying to earn Garon’s respect, he was trying to “survive” even if it meant appealing Garon, it’s survival of the fittest in Nohr for crying out loud. Also, the reason why Azura would not mention Anankos in Conquest is simply because she did not think Kamui and Nohr siblings could take him on alone, not without Hoshido, but why would Hoshido believe them? Sometime silence is the best answer, Silent Dragon is Anankos’s alias, c’mon!

Birthright, Kamui had just witnessed his true mother killed before his eyes, he couldn’t explain how, or why the enemies were invisible. He blamed Nohr, he would exact due bloodshed on Nohr the way they gave Hoshido their bloodshed, as such he didn’t quite spare much of their men, although he spared Camilla mainly due to him knowing her for real, and know how she views this campaign of Nohr. He even tries to ask her to help stop Garon, only to be stopped by Leo.(I wish she’d join you there right then :c)
Not only that, but Nohr adopted Kill or be Kill policy for their soldiers, so it’s only proper that Nohrian soldiers would fight to their end, unless they had reason to not fight at all. Not only that, but some nohrian soldiers actually like their leader, such as Xander as evident by his chapter where his retainers would rather disobey Xander’s order to hide to protect their liege.
[spoiler=Hoshido Campaign spoiler]They also are the only retainers to be canonically killed in Hoshido campaign. (I wonder how Selena and Odin views that.)[/spoiler]

And here’s my opinion of which one would be “slight” more canon than others storywise.
Revelation > Conquest > Hoshido

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Today my two copies of Nohr and Hoshido arrived, and something weird happened.
I started Hoshido up to chapter 5, then I played Hoshido and left a bookmark on chapter 3. Then I started Nohr again and the Hoshido’s bookmark was there…
I wonder if both regular cartridges have both routes and you just pay to unlock the other…
I will try that when I reach the chapter after the choice (I think it’s chapter 6) to prove my theory.