Yune Universal Randomizer - Updated version of Lushen's original universal randomizer

You guys remember the Universal GBA Randomizer? It was the one made just before Circles randomizer.

There’s a giant update, but it’s actually a whole new thing.

It works for pc, mac, and linux. It runs on java.

Oh, and it has FE4 randomization.

Give that shit a check! Make sure you download from the Releases folder and get the newest files, always in the root folder. If you download the whole repo, it’s quite large.

The 64-bit executable and .jar files didn’t work for me, but the 32-bit one did.

Happy randomizing!


I have a question about the FE4 part of the randomizer, does it matter what eng patch the fe4 rom has on it?

Not a clue. I didn’t help develop it, I’m just posting here so people know it exists.

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Thanks for spreading the word, you helped me find it again!
Albeit super late…