Dark Deity

At this point, *the only good part.

Here’s to hoping that changes. I doubt it will. UI fixes and dialogue changes will not fix the broken and often nonexistent map design.


So this is the game that always comes up if you google Fire Emblem Deity Device…


honestly for me it is the other way around.


I’d prefer if neither came up


In a thread already filled with negative opinions, let’s not drag an unrelated fan project into this, thank you.


OK ok so I’m sorry to add more fuel to the fire but I have to use this line it’s just too good…

“New Fyre Emblem just dropped!”


As a moderator I want to say that this isn’t the sort of thread we’d feel comfortable leaving up if it were about a hack project shown here, but the fact that this is a paid release that the developers both crowdfunded and charged money for immensely changes the terms of engagement between audience and creator in a way that free, passion-driven fan projects don’t. I will leave a reminder to keep things civil and to leave actionable feedback on their Steam page/subreddit/discord, as that seems to be where the recent patches are pulling from in terms of things to fix.

Now, outside of that role, I just have to say that from what I’ve seen and heard, development was extremely rushed and the art/voice talent was severely underpaid relative to industry rates and I can’t support buying the game in the state it’s in (disclaimer: have watched a full game stream, have not played myself). I feel a little like the animators from our community were taken advantage of and paid less than their worth, and that the lack of coherent art direction and the UI issues at launch did their work a disservice. At this point my main wish for this is that the creative talent is appropriately compensated for their time and effort.


I have a lot of thoughts on the game from what I’ve watched (almost all of it) and most of them are unfortunately negative.

I do think Dark Deity is a really important case study for many of us in hacking and game dev about priorities, the importance of context when designing systems, getting playtesting and feedback, and ultimately what makes an SRPG worth playing and fun. I’d go on, but it’s hard to think about where to begin.

I feel like they built a lot more hype than they were ready for and it showed with some of their decision making and the state of the product at release.

Just hope anyone who plays it that wants to make their own SRPG or hack (or heck, any project) can learn from this.


Honestly have to thank the community for the heads up - I was going to purchase this and play it this weekend but I’m reconsidering it now.

The price that it was released for is more expensive than Hades on Switch was at launch.

Is there a way we can support that artists that worked on this without purchasing the game?


The character art is nice, don’t get me wrong

I’ve noticed that the artist really didn’t flip their canvas while working on Bianca’s art, resulting in her right eye (our POV) being lower than her left one.


This is a small oversight, and no one else seems to have this flaw, which makes it even weirder, maybe Bianca’s art was rushed?

Also the map tilesets are just awful.

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Donate to Circles.

Sorry, reflex. Donate to the artists I listed, I guess.


I’ve seen some NES games do it, but it’s not exactly a common thing these days.

Changing the topic a little…
Why do you buy in Nowy Polski Złoty again?

Returning to the topic…
We came to a weird point when I must say that TLP, a meme at this point and most importantly just a hack is better than a full fledged game.
Makes me worried about the Midnight Sun.


The difference is I actually know who Alfred is whereas the DD dev is ‘some guy’ who nobody knows. He used this community’s artists for asset creation while lacking the competency needed to make a good game.

@AlfredKamon already has an excellent romhack under his belt and a reputation to uphold. At the absolute worst, I imagine Midnight Sun’s full game might fall a little short of his mental vision, but it will still probably be a cool game with some unique ideas. I’ve seen previews of the combat, and it looks really neat.


Anyway, if you have some money to spend don’t buy DD, buy Hollow Knight. It’s a much better game for even a lower price.


Good ol’ post-2014 entertainment industry, the gift that keeps on gifting or is it the grift that keeps on grifting? I’ll never forgive what happened to Six Days in Fallujah.

now you gotta make the sequel to both, dark deity device


Midnight Sun has already had a demo release. Certainly if you are worried about it, play it and give feedback (assuming it’s not outdated by now).

Thanks for the support, Klok. :slight_smile:
I don’t have much to say about Dark Deity, but I can confirm that we’re not rushing the development of Midnight Sun. Quite the opposite, the game should’ve released in Late 2020 but got delayed due to CoVid affecting everyone’s schedule and the game not being ready to be presented in its final state.

Also, Midnight Sun isn’t supposed to be an FE-lookalike despite its origins as a ROM hack. It’s a VN with jRPG elements and a combat system inspired by Etrian Odyssey. It may be liked or not by FE fans, but we’re sure trying our best to deliver a product that has its own identity.

I won’t say much else because it’d be in bad taste to do so in a topic about Dark Deity. Thanks for thinking about us in this situation, we appreciate your concern.


I think from what I heard so far, considering that it’s their first game and naturally also their first Fire Emblem, they didn’t really have much experience what really makes a Fire Emblem Game. From what I learned that can be quite difficult. Especially if you want to design a game around Permadeath (which, for me is an important aspect of Fire Emblem Games). But even another SRPG or any Genre really needs research, testing and practice. Especially after Lucky Crits Video many expected an SRPG that’s Fire Emblem Like. So I think most of the negative aspects are due to missing experience. (Then again, Awakenings Lategamemaps and the Lack of Lategameunits and Unitgain in general is a part of modern Fire Emblem Games. Which is no excuse, as a wise man said: We should not make the same mistakes as the developers.)

I was looking forward to this title (even participated in a contest with hopes to win a copy) but this image kinda gave me a shock. I wasn’t planning on buying it right away since I still have to finished Vision Quest and wanna play some other games which are waiting on my PC for a while. But I will watch a playthrough now before I’ll make my decision wether to buy it or not.