Will pay for someone to finish portraits

Basically i made some portraits on a portrait maker and want them finished and able to be implimented in a rom. I kinda had a crazy idea to make a rom hack based on a massive DND/RP thing me and a bunch of friends have been doing over the years creating one giant saga and yeah honestly dunno how else to put but i am willing to pay.

Are you talking about the Fire Emblem Character Creator? I made a video that makes it easy for you to make those portraits and put them into roms.


I think Glaceo might have slots open, check his Twitter at @Glacoe776
He’s also on FEU but afaik doesn’t check forums much.
I don’t have open slots (as in I reach out rather than the inverse) and TheBlindArcher is currently backlogged, too. I think you can try Abzel or Atey, they both have threads.
Touchups generally range from $5-20, so make sure you’ve got the money.