What’s up

I made a topic before an introduction, so now here I am.

Anyways, hellos and all. I’m a new rom hacker trying to dip my toes into game development and writing at large, and of course, a fire emblem fan. I’m probably a bit in over my head, but imma try my best to make something worth playing.


Hello new guy, we share a same vision!

I hope that you get the experience that you need and I’ll be expecting for your future hacks!


Hoy there, newbie! Everyone starts somewhere, you never really know how something’ll go until you try it out. unless you’re actually smart so I dunno, I’m not.

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Considering my first post was about incest we’re on the same page lmao

Hello and welcome to the community. I encourage all new members to join our FEU Discord, because it is active and constantly updating with resources to help people. Take the time to scroll through the topics and collect free resources. Should you ever need portraits, spritesheets or animations from FE6, FE7 or FE8, please DM me. You may also DM me for help in general. Good luck and have fun!

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Would it be funny If I just say “hey it’s the incest guy” ahhaha


It’s so joever

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