What is your biggest goal(s) in FE Hacking?

Well you’re both on my credit list
Just need to finish the hack

Do a full length, finished hack with an original story (that I’ve already began brainstorming).

But for now I’ll settle with learning.

Yeah bravo, that’s the right attitude for anyone who’s new to ROM hacking.
It’s good to think about your biggest goal, but you should start from your… smallest ones first.
With some know-how, you’ll realise how harder (and more time-consuming) hacking is than what it seems at first.

It’s good to have dreams – but to achieve them, you need a ladder of small, realistic goals that bring you there.

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My greatest goal is for FE5 to be understood and accessible.

Every day I try to learn something new about the game, slowly documenting and disassembling it. I’m always looking for a better way to do things and a clearer way to present what I’ve learned.

My second biggest goal is for my notes, tools, etc. to actually be organized, understandable, and usable by people.

I think I spend more time on this than I do actually hacking.


I want to make a hack more divisive than TLP.

For now, I’d like to finish my hack with hopes of it being entertaining. I know it’s kinda niche, but it’s something. That and help out others with their projects. It’s nice to change it up; keeps things fresh.

Who knows what else lies down the road.

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Using FE hacking as a medium for art, writing and music improvement.
It makes a nice niche!

Making a beautiful hack with third tiers, good story, and basically a good game, also want to make beautiful animations whether it be battle or spell animations, and beautiful sprites

But, uh, I kinda need big learning time and help for a lot things tbh. I am terrible at doing original art pieces

To me, the essence of hacking is “If you don’t like it, change it” (inverse: “If you want it, add it in”.) I guess the end goal associated with that is ‘to have my own alternative version of FE8, with the events/gameplay/dialog/maps/etc redone as necessary to my own tastes’. And if other people enjoy playing through this, all the better.

In practice I just spend too much time on wizardry and not enough on actually making chapters. But other people can use the wizardry to improve their own hacks, so hey, it’s not really a loss even if mine gets done far more slowly than I’d like.


Inb4 2020

Yeah, I like making better and harder versions of FE games as well. I’ve tried to fix FE8 3 times now, FE6 twice, and FE7 once.


yes it took me 8 months to give a 1 word answer


I just want to make the series better, for everyone if possible. Or rather, I want to see that the series gets better and I do not care if I am responsible for changing the code or someone else(Reason why I always ask for help when I do not have the slightest how to change something lol)

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Have fun. Do oc stuff. Meet new people. Figure out how the tools work. Make my own hack. Force myself to do art and programming stuff.


Maybe one day I’ll manage to complete something before I’m gone.

Maybe one day people will recognise me for my work more than they already do.

Maybe one day people will like my big maps…


I like big maps too :slight_smile:

Make some cool tunes, make a cool hack, mainly the “making cool tunes” part because it’s easier to make songs than a full hack.


If I don’t like doing it, why should I? If I don’t think I feel like I’m working towards something successful for myself, why else would I? If I don’t believe someone out there will find joy in what I do, then why do I do it?

lets be real im making two more cancer emblems and then ill pass on as an old fart

how can you top the OG cancer emblems tho

Me too, but with map repository cuz that’s what I can do.

I guess mine was to make a full length hack.
Key word there is WAS. Mostly because I did make a full length hack.

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