What do you guys want for Fire Emblem genealogy of the Holy War Remake?

Maybe something weird to say, but I want the battalions to make a return in some way. What is more, I would prefer for them to be visible on the map.
This would go a long way into showing the grand scale of the story.
Plus, gambits would resolve the issue of the enemy units bloat.

No. No Avatar please.


I loved SoV, so more of that would be nice.

An avatar character would make me want to rip my eyeballs out and remove myself from the fire emblem fanbase entirely. I HATE robin, corrin, and byleth. (never played DS games cause ugly graphics and kris)

I understand the base game has a time skip with the second half being played by the progeny of the first half, If so I would really like well written thoughtful supports akin to the ones in PoR. Most of the 3H supports are alright, but some or awful, and every game from RD to SoV has had God awful super campy supports.

It’d also be nice if they maintained the aesthetic integrity of the game, this is a little more tricky to enunciate, but essentially I love the late 90s anime aesthetic but hate anime from the last decade. If they can maintain some of the pep found in the original game’s art and soundtrack I’d be very pleased.

If they play their cards right, it’ll be the most successful fire emblem game ever made. I say this because Geneology is considered to be by far the best entry in the series by the japanese audience & SoV sold like hotcakes over there, additionally more Westerners are getting into FE than ever and this game has the depth and nuance to draw in the diehard FFT crowd as well.


QoL changes mostly. More dialogue and personality for units that didn’t get much in the original, especially gen 2 units. To this day I still cannot tell you what the hell Lester’s personality is like, because he has none.
Memory Prisms returning from SoV would be great, to get a look at stuff we’re only really told about in the original. Arvis first meeting Deidre, Oifey and Shanan hiding in Isaach with baby Seliph, Altenna and Arion as kids, Julius being given the tome by Manfroy, all interesting moments that could get that treatment. I expect the castle/town system to be streamlined or expanded a bit, that’s the feature from the original with the most potential in a modern remake, I think.
I expect some new characters or plotlines, like SoV did. I don’t exactly want an avatar shoved in but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I didn’t hate Kris, and I even ended up enjoying their presence at times, so as long as it’s not a silent Byleth type that adds almost nothing of worth to the game’s writing dialogue-wise I won’t be extremely mad about it.

Really, any new additions are more or less fine or even welcomed by me so long as they don’t change FE4’s core story and themes.


They could do a mini-monastery where you can walk as Sigurd and later Seliph between chapters and talk to your guys, unlock supports, go to arena etc.

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Additional dialogue added to supports and such.

Divine Pulse

Reworked Arena system, not sure what exactly.

A trading post, don’t remove the individual inventory/money. But make trading possible at a trading post.

Improved graphics and such of course.

That’s pretty much it, Genealogy was already so good.

Fix the trading system! and have normal support conversation

I dunno how much I’d like it to be monastery-like, I got pretty sick of Garreg Mach the moment I decided to replay a route and felt like I was gimping myself by skipping the time-consuming exploration. And I can’t help but wonder how realistic it is to expect all towns to not look the exact same.
I do like the idea of it being a big more interactive in that sense. I think a similar design to My Castle from Fates could work, it’s way less tedious to explore and likely easier to make.
Otherwise a menu system like the original works just fine.


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If I want something for Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War Remake, Have a custom settings for Difficulties involving the Holy Bloods for certain enemies to be strong or weak that could affect the gameplay, not the story. I may not be against Self-inserts or support it, but if Intelligent System does include an Avatar as well instead of being faithful, at least make him a sub-character that does not center around him/her and instead have him write a journal about his reactions and make them Well-written along with others as part of their equal and have him/her learn about the lore behind the continent and countries within Jugdral.


Serious Answer: for IS to remake a good game.

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And they will, when they remake Genealogy of the Holy War


So these just keep showing up eh?

There are several issues that Genealogy has that are linked to what it is that either has to be changed to make the game feel less draconian or left in to satisfy the long-time fans who have actually played it and don’t want it to change.

  1. The Skill System.

Let’s start off with the big one. The skill system is at its worst here given how the entire mechanic of doubling was wrapped into a skill that most of the cast don’t have. A prime example of this issue is actually Sigurd himself, widely considered one of the best units in genealogy, without pursuit he would not be anywhere near as good since his high bases due entirely to his lack of double attacks.
Pavise also negating all damage is just kind of ass, and most of the other skills are either identical to their current versions or have been changed entirely due to how busted they are when able to be proced with consistency. Also canto only if you haven’t attacked would likely be the one they’d use.

  1. Map Layout.

Another contentious point is just how much of a slog some maps can be. I understand that the game tries to accurately accomplish the process of a multi castle siege in a lot of maps but it doesn’t handle that concept particularly well.
One thing that could help fix that is the idea of Castle Defense, maybe after two or three turns enemy reinforcments spawn to try to reclaim the keep and suddenly leaving some of your foot locked units behind has a purpose.

  1. Trading.

Genealogy’s trading and gold system as a whole needs to be thrown out due largely to it making no sense for an entire army having it’s individual soldiers managing their own funds and having to sell their own equipment solely for one of their comrades to buy it at a mark up is done just to slow the player down.

  1. Avatar Concept.

If they do decide to add an avatar it think them being in charge of tactics and logistics would be a fair compromise and could account for the avatar existing after the time skip due to not being with sigurd’s group on the frontlines as strategy and logistics work keeps them on the back lines allowing them to escape relatively unharmed.

  1. The Story.

The last point i’m tackling here is the honestly the story. Odds are there will be a few massive changes given how the world has changed greatly since the story was originally written. The part likely to get the most alterations would be Arvis and Deirdre’ entire plotline. namely the mind control induced incest rape (being brainwased into being consensual isn’t consensual) No one here can tell me with 100% certainty that they wouldn’t change that either by completely removing Arvis and Deirdre being related or somehow make their relationship worse by trying to eliminate the whole brainwashed amnesia concept.

As a whole the game is fine but it really does show its age. Most of its unique idea were either altered heavily in the games to come or outright removes due to how poorly they were received. Since the Echoes style is ment to bring back the older games with more polish and pick out some of the poorly thought out ideas of its time this one has the unique distinction of being really freaking awkward due largely to both it and the Sword duo of having a sequel game taking place before events of the game its a sequel to.


Gonna second giving the weapon distribution a bit of a touch-up and increasing the number of playable axe-users. I think Scáthach/Ulster is a good candidate for this, but it could be as simple as just making the Forrest class work more like the modern incarnation of the Hero class and giving them Axe access.

Aside from that, the biggest thing I think needs changing is the specific way inheritance is set up. The whole “kids inherit from the same-gender parent except Brigid’s and Quan+Ethlyn’s” setup feels kind of nonsensical to me and needlessly rules out what should otherwise be valid pairing options for passing down certain things. For example, Lana, Nanna, and Tine should all be able to inherit the Valkyrie staff, and Lana should also be able to inherit Forseti. If Astra, Luna, and Sol must remain locked only to infantry sword-wielders, at least allow them to be inherited by any character who will ultimately be able to use swords in an infantry class instead of just those who can do so at base.

There are a good number of potentially really fun combinations the game just doesn’t let you do for no good reason, and it’s kinda disappointing to me, so I think that’s the biggest thing I’d like to see addressed.

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