Heyo, It’s The7thFehtoon. And for the last 2 years, I’ve spent a good chunk of my free time creating this series of ROM hacks (None are public) known as “The Brigading Memes”, and all that work has lead to this, the series’ first public project:
DISCLAIMER: While the title may be misleading, this is not a meme hack. It’s just a light-hearted one.
Welcome to the Continent of Smasvia, a land ruled by four nations, the peaceful nation of Ligma, the dreary nation of Twitter, the isolated nation of Darude, and the studious nation of the Carey Tundra. For years the land lived in solitude, until one day an unknown species of humans appeared onto the continent, these “humans” were known as Melvin’s, Humans and Melvin’s eventually clashed and a war unseen to the lands before it had begun. The four nations fought together to defeat this new foe, and eventually succeed. This war was later named the War of Melvin’s. After the war, Smasvia returned to it’s peaceful self, but something was amiss…
You play as the current Prince of Ligma, Faukyu, as he sets out on a mission to scout out a mysterious disturbance within the nation. Little does he know what journey lies ahead of him…
While the Amogus are here mainly for comedic purposes. They fill the role of an “unknown creature” in this setting thats not just some generic FE8 Monster.
After a rough start and heavy consideration I have decided to cancel the project and focus my efforts on a more narrative-driven sequel instead.
It was obvious from the start that Memes and a heavy plot don’t mix and it created a shaky narrative that often found me embarrassed to show people that I had made. Which resulted in a final product that I don’t feel comfortable sharing on FEU.
Taking in all the feedback, I hope the next entry can be twice the quality of its predecessor…
So I downloaded this today, not expecting much because its a “meme” hack. Hot dang, that was some tight gameplay. I wish more hacks focused on a small cast of characters, especially when you added personality to each of them during the camp sections! The huge differences in units, from a Jagen with no speed to growth unit heaven this was great. The 2 HP lord was interesting to work around, but his speed making him not get doubled and miracle being guaranteed made it a fun challenge!
Some feedback: Maybe look into the add-on that gives free movement, or no turn end during the camp locations, like you can see in Hetja’s quest.
The chapter 7 2nd village implied to bring !NotAnna there after I visited with a different unit, but closed anyway. Is it possible to have it refuse to even give the 10k unless you bring her?
I love the lower power your units have, requiring multiple units to take down unpromoted like on chapter 5. The reinforcements spooked the heck out of me.
I did get force restarted on chapter 5 when the boss began to move with no prompting, that threw me off.
I am really looking forward to the full release of this one!
For chapter 7’s village having Dustee visit the village gives a bonus item alongside the 10K gold so ill probably add a little bit if dialogue that hints you to visit that village with Dustee if you have her deployed.
Chapter 5 does give a diclaimer noting what turn Odio will move, I may make his movement lower so that he’s not immediately in attacking range when you proc him to move early.
Re:Chapter 5, I think it was prior to turn 15, and because I got close to him that he began to move. The problem was that it was the final unit on my turn that moved in too close, triggering his dialogue at end of turn, rip.
Do you have an estimate of when the release is? I am very excited to play it when it comes out.
I’ll see if I can add a disclaimer that shows exactly where the ranged event that makes him move starts, I tried giving him a turn delay before he moves but it failed to function.
Currently chapter 7’s end event is still in the works and after that only remains 2 chapters before the first act of the story concludes. I’d say around mid to late January at earliest.