Weapon level display experiment

I’ve been meaning to ask, is my monitor screwed, or is everyone using some other color setting on their emulator? (A lot of FE8 screenshots look off to me lately)

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jj’s screenshot is very dark on my monitor, but Misaka’s is fine, maybe a bit bright.

It’s No$GBA debug that that screenshot comes from probably, it doesn’t have any fancy screen effects.

I was literally gonna ask the same thing. I thought it was Brendor using some weird vba color setting but then jjl did it too and I was stupidly confused.

Then why is it so dark?

That’s just how the No$GBA debugger is.

Oh, okay ~(’.’ )~


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no$ is weird

There’s an option in the settings to make it normal, at least for the full emulator, but yeah it otherwise applies this filter to it presumably to emulate the “backlit” effect that one gets from the GBA SP.

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