Vision quest units?

I made this tier list a while back strictly based on how much I liked all the units’ supports, if that’s helpful to you at all.

This is solely in a support vacuum, I didn’t take main story prevalence into account nor gameplay when making that list.

another question:

should I train marlen or natsuko?
should I train onism or dewi?

Yeah, 40-50 is a high growth in VQ, so there can be a lot of variance between playthroughs. I did prioritize Lera for statboosters because I wanted my mage to be usable. Some of her stats just got very blessed. I remember she had the third highest defense in the army for a decent portion of the game, behind only Larissa and Titus (and tied with Storch).

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train all of them smh my head


ok…I guess?

oh yeah she picked up the pace.(currently getting good levels).

I do believe Natsuko is consistently considered one of the worst units stats-wise. She has a large amount of utility though as she’s your only flier for a long time

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agreed.her speed for a flier is pretty low.(arckady is the fastest one on the party).

I’d suggest Esfir. She is there from early on and can move through every enemy. There is another thief later on and a Rouge even later. I don’t know about their speed growths but the first two should be able to outclass him if you train them as usual with prepromotes. But he is an option if you don’t want to use a promotion item for a thief.

Marlen or Natsuko - Marlen starts mediocore but becomes one of if not the best cavalier with a bit luck. His personal is good. Natsuko on the other hand can be very very strength screwed. She is a good utility unit either way.

Onisim or Dewi - More like Onisim AND Dewi. Jokes aside staff users will be very helpful in this game. I’d recommend 2 to 3.

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for a theif esfir might be a good unit:

but otilie:

so I’m gonna train her.but I’m using dreyfus at the moment(in the desert chapters).since he’s a rogue,has high luck and can take a few punches.but I’m definitely going to train otilie.

as for marlen and natsuko I’m not using them both at the moment lol :joy:.

I haven’t been using onism but im using dewi(lv12) and osane(lv19).

and btw thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.

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