Transfering newer skills to Skillsys Custom Build

So, what I want to do, is transfer newer skills from the newest version of Skillsys on Github to the FEBuilder compatible version (20220703)

But, when importing these skills, I get several errors from one file: SkillDescriptions.event. They look like this:
error: C:\Users\theal\Documents\GitHub\SkillSystem-Custom-Build\EngineHacks\SkillSystem\skill_descriptions.event:318:33: Undefined identifier: SD_Lightbreaker

And when I delete the new entries in SkillDescription.event, I no longer get the errors, and it makes the Custom Build correctly. But of course… this means these new skills have no description set.

So there must be an issue with SkillDescriptions.event where it’s not registering somehow??? I’ve made changes to the newer Skillsys Buildfile, and I don’t recall having this error before.

I want to be able to fix this so I can set the skill descriptions beforehand, and not have to do it manually through FEBuilder.

If anyone would be willing to help me with this, it would be appreciated.

Here is a link to the project on GitHub so you can take a look at it: