The ZessDynamite Zone


I didn’t do anything too special for the world map; I mostly just tried to emulate the style of the map of Magvel. Most of the mountains, forests, and lakes were copy-pasted but a few are custom.

In-depth Process

I started by drawing an outline of my world like this, using this specific color.

Then I made the outline on the bottom thicker than anywhere else to give the land masses a sort-of 3D depth.

Then I filled in the land with the lightest shade of yellow I saw on Magvel.

For oceans, anything far away from a land mass was just a white noise pattern.

As I got closer to land, I made concentric “rings” following the edges of the continent starting with a somewhat darker seafoam green for the outer ring, a blue for the middle ring, and a kind of orangey color for the inner ring. I made the inner ring most visible on the bottom edge of the continents, again to add a sense of depth. MS Paint’s spray can tool works well for making the rings seem blended together naturally.

Finally, I added some streaks of varying colors to simulate waves.

Then I began texturizing the land with darker shades. I used a more or less random noise pattern for texturizing. The more “rough” I wanted the terrain of a region to look, the more coarse noise and darker shades I used. I found it best to add noise in big splotches/patches.

For custom mountains, I made a warped triangle shape using a dark color and made the right side yellow and the left orange. I gave some texture to the right side using some darker yellow shades and added some shading to the left side using the darker green colors.

Rivers were simple to make custom since they’re just glorified dark lines.

Then I just copied forest, lake, and mountain elements from FE8’s world map and pasted them on top.

And voila! A world map.