Don’t put Luigi at the same level as an evil cult. He’s just vibin to his own beat man.
Name: Yaroslav
Class: Soldier ( possibly promotes to General/Paladin?)
Backstory: [Cold Region] is a vast expance of taiga and barren mountains. Due to the low temperature not many peopleinhabit this area.
Despite that, from one of the surface caves sparks can be seen and hammering can be heard. This cave is both a forge and home of a rather mysterious blacksmith, Yaroslav.
Used to both cold and hot temperatures he brings his hammer once, twice and then a third time.
He puts all of his strength into his craft for one day a persona in need may seek his aid.
Traits: Protective of people smaller than him, Spaces out very often
Likes: Fur hats, Metal
Dislikes: Bravado, Lies
Age: 47
Height: 1,83m/6ft
Name: Florence
Class: Sage
Backstory: In her youth Florence used to be [fallen kingdom]'s greatest Snipers and one of it’s 3 [Great Generals]. However after [the war] has devastated the kingdom she did the same thing as many other survivours, went into hidding. As years went by Florence starded to mellow down, casting aside her bow and letting in the [spirits of the land/nature]. Nowadays she can be seen in her cabin deep inside the [Great forest]. Those who visit her must pay respect to the [Great forest]. If they do Florence will treat them to some tea, but if they don’t they might get wacked with a broom and shooed away.
Traits: Expert tea maker, great archery tutor
Likes: Nature, Tea
Dislikes: Alcohol, Dark magic
Age: 80
Height: 1,5m/4ft 11in
Name: Braden
Class: Pirate
Backstory: Braden used to be a member of a merchant guild and aspired to trade with all continents of the world. One fateful night his ship was caught in a fearsome storm. Waves crashing down on the vessel, sweeping men to their watery grave and tearing the sails. Braden, although badly disfigured, was the sole survivour of this misadventure. His experience led to him developing a phobia of ships and made him vow to never again board a ship.
Traits: Scottish accent, Deeply afraid of ships ( yes even looking at them)
Likes: Dry weather, Tripe soup
Dislikes: Big Waves, Ghost stories
Age: 32
Height: 1,78m/5ft 8in
Finally finished my last one…
Name: Chindolyn Noseall
Class: Thief
Backstory: An eccentric young detective who can can always sniff out evidence, thanks in part to her brilliant mind, but mostly due to her monsterly large nose. Her latest investigation has led her to join up with [Lord’s] army, in search of someone for a client…She has a good eye (and nose) for the fine details and makes a point of always solving her case. Despite the fact that subtle is often an afterthought to her she’s surprisingly effective at her job. She also has a very heavy nasally french accent.
Traits: Loud, Boisterous and somewhat self-centered. Money-minded
Likes: Mystery, Money, Sniffing things
Dislikes: Low pay and easy cases
Age: 20
Height: 5’5"/167cm
lol i love this thread. i forgot to reply to it but I’m enjoying the entries so far
Now I can’t unsee Chindolyn sniffing other characters in all of her supports. “Ah, the sweet smell of training sweat. And… never mind, I shan’t say it aloud, but don’t expect me to assist in your laundry anymore.”
- Phillip
- Warrior
- Phillip lived a normal life, until one day he got soap in his eyes during his bath. This unfortunate incident caused him to go blind, so he decided to take up the axe as a way to cope.
- He is a sad, old man, and he wishes to educate everyone about the dangers of soap.
- Likes: Axes, his beard
- Dislikes: Soap, people who sell soap
- Age: 63
- Height: 208cm
- Ichibald
- Asassin
- One day, when Ichibald was a teenager, his parents asked him politely to cut his hair. He didn’t like this, so he murdered them. When some soldiers showed up to arrest him, he agreed to be an asassin for the king so he would not have to sit in jail for the rest of his life.
- He is an eccentric guy who really likes his hair.
- Likes: His hair, eyepatches
- Dislikes: Jail, barbers
- Age: 25
- Height: 142cm
- Wilhem
- Valkyrie
- Wilhem enrolled in the army at a young age, and quickly rose through the ranks. However, after he got wounded in a fight, he swore off fighting and decided to instead learn magic. Everyone found this quite absurd, the injury was simply just a tiny scratch, but Wilhem was determined. He is now the leader of a church and everyone is still quite confused about the whole thing.
- He is a devout pacifist and wishes to help everyone.
- Likes: peace, oranges
- Dislikes: fighting, bananas
- Age: 35
- Height: 180cm
i’m as late as they come, and gotta apologize for that!
(note: it turns out that one of my picks, number 19, was accidentally being worked on by someone else in this thread already. i chose to only add the other two characters i got, due to the work and thoughts that have gone into creating number 19’s entry. it’s fun to see what became of it! i was positively entertained while reading it and believe that my drafted concept wouldn’t offer the same kind of justice. kudos to you!
number: 2
name: vali
class: lord (anima magic, not mounted)
backstory: the ever grim-faced, yet spirited and happy-go-lucky estranged prince of [particularly small, but remote kingdom within the forest] who, against the wishes of his family, set out to travel the continent to sate a curiosity largely rooted through the mostly isolated location of [kingdom]. some of his magical abilities were strengthened and taught to him by his mentor and friend/drinking buddy bellatrix (to be added as the next provided character). before he met bellatrix, he wasn’t all too eager to train his magical abilities and trained with an axe instead. he and bellatrix have been exploring the world for some years now, stumbling into all manners of trouble more times than both could care to count these days.
extra lord/kingdom notes: [forest kingdom] is inhabited by, as well as known for its mages and druids who commune with nature and its spirits. while it is known of by some outsiders, and regarded as a rumor by others, most of the inhabitants care little for what lies beyond their homes.
character traits: headstrong, curious, lively
likes: outdoor activities, cooking
dislikes: attention to his features, stagnation
age: 34
height: 159cm/5’2"
number: 9
name: bellatrix
class: mage knight (pre-promote)
background: originally a skilled and highly ranking mage of [fallen kingdom] until [the war], she later ventured far and wide to chase after the thrill of undiscovered and hidden magic. she was granted refuge in [forest kingdom] after having underestimated the deep forest she navigated through and nearly ran out of her provisions. as the locals came to discover her experience and talents, the king of [forest kingdom] offered her a position to tutor vali, to which vali surprisingly agreed as well once he got to know bellatrix and her past.
character traits: calculating, patient, excitable
likes: traveling, (bad) jokes
dislikes: political conflict, sleep
age: 35
height: 170cm/5’6"