The Shrunken Stones, a miniature version of FE8

rhis fucking peaks


Would you consider renaming the chapters to all be puns or jokes about being small? Was talking with some people in discord and the idea came up so I drafted up names for them all, if you wanna use them.

Chapter name ideas

The Small of Renais
Escape! (but small)
The Puny
The Bandits of Bit-go
Little Horrors
The Empire’s Tiny Hands
Undersized Heart
Victims of Skirmish
Puddlesize Renvall
It’s a Trap! (but small)

Close Blade
Scuffle at Carcino
Cramped Darkness
Hut of Silence
Hamill Divot
Queen of White Anthills

Fort Rigsmall
Tiny Traitor
Phantom Kayak
Little at Taizel
Flourspar’s Word
Father and Baby

Scorched Grain of Sand
Ruled by Miniature
Stream of Regrets
Tiny Faces of Evil
Little Hope
Darkling Bush
The Shrunken Stones


I love it. Will probably use smth like this for the next update.


I have found a bug in Ch 8, every time I tried to open the door on the left side of the map where the mage is standing under, I keep getting the item from the chest after I open the chest

I’ll take a look at it as soon as possible. Someone else found another bug and I sought to fix it. That should be fixed in the next update.

Also, what chest was it?

It was the Elysian Whip chest

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played ephraim route. worth noting that the tomahawk chest in Ch16eph didnt work, but otherwise I had a great time! I might consider making desert treasures an autopickup, just because its really not any different than using the desert item pickup rig, but its way more annoying

good stuff!


FEH but good


Might I propose, alternatively, The Diminutive for Chapter 2 and It’s a Mousetrap! for Chapter 8


Proposal for an alternate name for Escape!: Nowhere to Run

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New update! Made some bugfixes, and I took Krash’s suggestion to alter the chapter titles to better reflect the smaller size of the maps. Check the OP for the latest link.


So you’ve turned every map into a knife fight in a phone booth.

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Average day in UK be like:


New update, and it’s a big one! Lagdou Ruins are done and accessible, though it won’t be accessible if you started chapter 20 on the world map before then. You may notice that the 1st 5 floors use the other mountainous tileset and the last 5 floors use different songs, but that’s because I changed HMBs from floor 6 onward and wanted to signify it. Also, I changed some palettes to better reflect game designer Sachiko Wada’s art. Check the OP for the newest patch.


The irony is not lost to me XD


Can you make the battle animations smaller too?

Extremely gaming

You def realize how goddamn strong shadowshots are in fe8 after playing this, to the point Tethys didn’t feel like an autobring in some maps.

The only map I felt was undercooked was Phantom Ship because Mogalls and Gargoyals were in close amounts to vanilla but with much more oppressive opportunities to dogpile units.

It’s very bizarre type of game because it has both more autopilot “no shit” brings but at the same time your last deployment slots usually have a lot of debate behind it.

Def tempted to replay this on Eirika route to see what lategame is like with a less good flyer but way more generous warp range.