The King's Last Wish [COMPLETE] (V3.0 - New Chapters and Playable Units)

@Yily_Chen Yes, of course! I appreciate that you enjoy the hack. If you send the patch to me after it is complete, I will include it in the dropbox as well.

V2.01 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue with the boss quotes in chapter 4 and 5.

  • Added 5 tracks to the sound room that I missed in v2.0.

  • Chapter 6 felt a little too difficult so I made a few changes: warrior now has a steel axe rather than a silver axe (all difficulties); the bishop is now in the north (easy and normal); the swordmaster now has a steel sword rather than a killing edge (easy and normal) and the paladins don’t rush you as quickly (easy and normal).

  • Chapter 4 now has a couple of extra enemies (only on hard mode).

Edit: So, I just realised that the v2.01 that I released a few hours ago was actually the wrong file. It was an older file I had under the same name. The correct one should be up now. The old one didn’t feature silencer being removed from male assassins. This was the case in older versions, but I must have accidentally re-activated it at some point. There was also 1 other thing, but it is not worth mentioning.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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OK, OK, thank you very much. I promise I won’t let you down.

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V2.02 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t sieze on chapter 16x (causing a soft lock).

  • Fixed an issue with the dance description if you had the dancer rings.

  • Fixed an issue where you would miss one of Wesley’s conversations with Osborn if you killed Trisha first (ch13 boss).

  • The wo dao now only drops on ch13, not ch14. The wo dao description now also makes it clear that anyone can use it.

  • Gold is now more scarce on hard mode.

  • Gregory, Grant and Gunvald now have unique warrior palettes. I also changed Gregory’s fighter palette to better match his portrait.

  • Other minor changes.

Sorry for releasing another patch only a day after the last, but since there was an issue that could potentially cause a soft lock, I thought it would be prudent to get it out as soon as possible.


V2.03 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where the game could potentially freeze in the prologue when playing on hard mode.

  • The escape command will no longer be visible until after talking to Grant on ch5x.

  • Units now have escape quotes on ch5x.

  • Changed some chapter names.

  • Fixed Linda and Augustus’ palettes as enemies.

  • Recruitable units now have battle quotes as enemies.

  • Recruitable units now have a battle theme if you fight them as enemies. (From foe to friend from Fe4).

  • Promotion items and stat boosters are now 2000 and 1000 gold cheaper respectively.

  • Other minor changes.


v2.04 patch notes:

  • Added an additional deployment slot on chapter 6.

  • Harper or Grant dying on chapter 5x now only cause a game over before you have initiated their conversation.

  • The latter half of chapter 5x felt a little slow and tedious, so I’ve made the following changes: added some houses; getting one of the chests will now trigger the generals to start moving (so you can only get 1); when the generals start moving, there will also be reinforcements from the south (more on hard mode) and added a secret event.

  • Fixed an issue with Griselda and Edith’s battle quote playing only after the generic one.

  • Replaced lockpicks with the pick skill.

  • Andy now has the same promotion gains as piper.

  • Other minor changes.

Edit: Just dropped a hotfix that fixes an issue with the chapter 5x secret event.


V2.05 patch notes:

  • Thracia trading (no re-move).

  • Royce is now the lead unit of the prologue. This means he will be autocursored and show up as the lead in the “status” menu.

  • Small visual improvement to prologue end event. Before, it felt a little empty.

  • Dancer ring balances: Filla’s might now grants +5 attack (from 10), but has 10 uses (from 5). Thor’s Ire now grants +15% crit (from 10). Set’s litany now grants +20% avoid (from 10). Hopefully this incentivises actually using the dancer rings, before it felt like there was no point in using them over the regular dance.

  • Fixed an issue where Royce’s ch2 boss quote would trigger on both phases.

  • Hard mode now only rewards half of your wager in the arena. Easy and normal remain the same.


V2.06 patch notes:

  • A couple of things I mentioned were in v2.05 were actually not implemented properly. Namely hard mode halving your arena winnings and fixing Royce’s ch2 boss quote. This was a mistake. It has been fixed now and they are properly implemented.

  • The generics in the prologue now have levels that better suit their stats.

  • I have differentiated easy mode more from normal mode. Enemies are now slightly weaker and gold is more plentiful (both in the arena and elsewhere). This should make easy mode more forgiving for people who found normal mode to be too difficult, especially in the early game.

  • To explain the new arena winnings: if you had a wager of 1000 gold and won, you would get 1500 gold on hard mode, 2000 on normal mode (vanilla amount) and 2500 on easy mode.

v2.07 patch notes:

  • You can now steal with a full inventory (credit to @Vesly).

  • Fixed 2 issues. One being that you couldn’t visit the villages on chapter 3 after waiting on them. The other being that you could initiate Truman’s recruitment conversation twice (once with Osborn and once with Madison).

  • The “From foe to friend” battle music now also plays if you fight Shelly, Grant and Wesley as enemies.

  • If a recruitable unit dies as an enemy, the death music will now play.

  • Added some more battle conversations when fighting recruitable characters as enemies.

  • Added a battle quote for the triangle attack.

  • Made some changes to easy mode. Enemies on easy mode are now 1 level lower than their normal mode counterparts on every chapter. Also, I made some earlygame maps slightly easier on easy mode as the advantage of doubled experience won’t have a huge effect in the earlygame.

  • Changed the layout of chapter 2. The effective size of the map has been cut to 17x17 from 20x20 without changing how the map plays. Hopefully, this will prevent turns where it feels like you are just moving your units from point A to point B.


Hello, dear friend. I’m glad to tell you that I have finished the translation. It’s based on 2.06 version. After that, unless you add new plots, I won’t update it.
Thank you again for your hard work and look forward to your next heck


@Yily_Chen Thank you! I really appreciate this. I have included your patch in the OP link and included you in the credits document. :grinning:


V2.1 patch notes:

  • Ch16x is now ch17. There are no longer any requirements to go. The story has been changed slightly to match.

  • Tweaked some player and enemy stats/items in the prologue. For example Arandale now has a vulnerary, so he will no longer suicide into the warrior (this will give the player longer to react).

  • Added the warp staff to the secret shop.

  • You can now choose one of the divine weapons to be restored by Edith at the beginning of the final chapter. I felt this was a good middle ground between those who went to ch16x and had all of them and those who didn’t and had none. This felt unfair to those who didn’t unlock 16x, which is part of the reason I decided to make it a non-gaiden.

  • Alfred now properly attacks and kills Woodrow in the prologue end event (if you didn’t kill him).

  • Other minor changes.

Edit: Just dropped a hotfix fixing an issue with Wesley’s character ending and Nixon’s battle quote with Alfred. Sorry about that.


v2.11 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where you could get infinite legendary weapons on the final chapter by saving in prep screen and restarting.

  • The word “HP” now appears when viewing growth rates.

  • Stationary danger area.

  • Updated hp bar patch by Alusq.

I will also update the credits with these new patches.


eh, I have to say that I’m really flattered. Thank you.

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Been a while since I last posted here. Just finished a sorta blind ironman of this, and I now shall give my opinions on the chapters. (Played P-3 before restarting on a later version months later; read secrets guide) This has actually been the most fun I’ve had in my blind hack ironmans, which isn’t saying much as I have only done 3, but still, take it as a compliment. The ironman was on v2.04, and on hard mode.


The boss doesn’t move making getting the secret book not worth it, which I don’t like. Other than that, an alright and very easy defense. Overall, not too much fun.

Chp 1

The armor knights going on the left only move if you go up the middle, meaning there is no reason to go that route. I think this is becasue their ai makes them move if they can reach you in 2 moves. I think the ai should be changed so that everyone starts attacking once you make it to the top section of the map. This could of course be cheesed by sending someone to the right side of the map, but there is no reason to do that without prior knowledge, and if you do know it, it’s a fun way to exploit this chapter, which isn’t too difficult anyways. Overall, an alright chapter.

Chp 2

A pretty good start as you have to recruit shelly and stop the cavaliers and recruit royce at the same time, but that challenge is sorta ruined by the obvious 2 turn strat. I did this my first time playing, and this time the strat was only slightly changed. I like how the redundant 3rd armorknight was removed on the top right. I released all the prisoners, but they never tried to escape, me sad. I still think all the noise on the top left of the map is unecessary and just makes the map take a little longer, but at least the thunder was much appreciated throughout the run. The stuff on the left removes need for antiturtle. Overall, an alright chapter.

Chp 3

One of the most difficult chapters in the game and I love it. The starting enemies are tricky, and you already have to bench piper. (Not that she’d be much help other than buying stuff). However, we are assisted by the absolutely necessary new healer madison. After the starting enemies the chapter is pretty easy, so it could keep the trend of being hard with some antiturtle. Other than that, great chapter.

Chp 4

The 3rd hardest chapter is instantly followed up by one of the easiest. I like the beginning pegasus knights are the only challenge, maybe add more in the early turns as reinforcements? Because after that, royce kills every last one of em except for the killing edge who is lured to recruitment. He didn’t even need to help kill the boss lol. Overall, boring chapter.

Chp 5

I thought that I would hate this map, but I actually quite liked it. The starting mages and pegasus knights require you to take a good formation rather than praying, and then the great swordmaster antiturtle appears. It makes the chapter overall boring though, as the only strat is kill the boss with royce. At least the pegasus is instantly necessary.

Chp 5x

I like the thracia music cueing you into it being a thracia escape. No antiturtle until after you talk to the guy, which is kinda sad, and un-thracia like. I never had to fight the reinforcements. Didn’t collect the chests becuase it would take way too long. Perhaps make the reinforcements harsher. Overall, an alright chapter.

Chp 6

A pretty boring rout map, not much else to say. Route maps are generally best when being attacked by all enemies at once, and with many instead of a few strong ones, as royce is unstoppable.

Chp 7

The genealogy music is fitting for the tragedy of this chapter: the death of gregory. I decided better him die than madison. The new armorknight whatshername is entirely useless and is sacrified to the northern wyvern group after being stripped of her weapons. Overall, a good chapter.

Chp 8

Those brave weapon pre promotes are way too beefy for the objective to be realistic, but at least the chests were cool. A boring chapter, as all you do is choke a single point. Perhaps add some pegasus reinforcements along with the cavs, and more of them.

Chp 9

Reminds me of that one conquest map from the design. While this was my 2nd favorite chapter in the game, it is a painful memory, as royce had to rescue the paladin to keep him from dying, causing his death (not to mention the loss of the heaven axe.) Also madison died from a dumb mistake. That has nothing to do with the map design though, which was great, and I wouldn’t change much other than perhaps some antiturtle.

Chp 10

Hardest chapter in the game only 14 comes close. Everyone died except for edison and shelly. I promoted harper for this, but in retrospect should’ve promoted shelly to heal so I wouldn’t lose lives to the mages and reinforcements due to insufficient vulneraries. I didn’t even lose anyone until the reinforcements, and my scrubs who were took weak to deal with anyone served only to inadvertantly block some of them. Other than that though, great chapter, and I’m sure it wouldn’t have been so awful if I didn’t lose madison and royce, gregory on a smaller note.

Chp 11

A breather after the massacre of chp 10. Not much to say, other than I didn’t need a sword user as I had Osborn or a magic user as I had promoted shelly with the seal from the boss last chapter.

Chp 12

Another breather. While andy died, piper didn’t, and she was able to loot all the chests. Great training arc for the reamaining survivors. For a critique on design for those not me, I would say add anti turtle, or have all the enemies other than wesley attack at once. Overall, a boring chapter.

Chp 13

Kicking back up with a great chapter. I would say the reinforcements could come a turn or 2 earlier, or even on turn 5 to make the bolting mage an actual threat, but other than that, the pressure was on. I’d say around 5-6 turns after the top reinforcements bottom ones would really help keep the pressure on.

Chp 14

My favorite chapter, but also one of the most difficult. I’d say the chests are absolutely not worth it, but other than that, this chapter is designed fantastically and I would not change a thing. Charlotte died though, made me sad as I was having fun training her. If I had just one more unit (starla, she died last chapter after missing 2 88 hits with her brave bow on a wyvern and she died for it.), then I would’ve gone without any casualties. (My dancer also died, a tragedy, but at least she died with the knowledge knowing 13 and 14 wouldn’t have been possible without her)

Chp 15

The only chapter I would argue is completely bad, and needs to be reworked entirely. Shelly just kills every last one of em to train her anima rank.

Chp 16

It makes sense that no reinforcements are in this map this time, so I shall not criticize that. Basically the final challenge, I use the 3 tile chokepoint to deal with all the units in the archers come, and I make stategic rescues. Nicholas and Gunvald die, not that they really matter anyways. On a final note, I kill wesley off with the boss as I don’t know if 16x is worth it and the end is right there. I just read that the chapter is now mandatory with some divine weapons coming back, so, uh, oops. Overall, a good chapter.

Chp 17

With only like 4 guys left, I can’t stop the paladins. If I had wesley, him and osborn could’ve dealed with the ones on the left, and the divine weapons would’ve made killing at least half the bosses possible, but not having very many units makes this map impossible. After everyone else but osborn dies, I go to a 1 tile chokepoint and throw away all my weapons as I wait out the time. Overall, a good chapter, but I suck at fire emblem.

Made a tier list, sorta speaks for itself based on by chapter summaries. Maybe it’s a little biased (I’d say Royce is the only true S tier, he doesn’t fall off until probably chapter 13 and is necessary for the earlygame), but I’d say it’s mostly good. Time to poke fun at yours.

Yes the earlygame healing was pretty important, but she can only heal one guy at once, and they can pop a vuln instead. Since antiturlte isn’t that prominent, We don’t really need her. I guess she can lure away the swordmaster in chp 5, but the boss should be dead by the time that matters, and harper can do the job just as well.

The blue cav sucks too much.

A killing edge shouln’t land you in B tier. Edison is better other than skill and speed and can use axes upon promotion.

I get that gregory has the halberd, but the rapier is really good can one round all armorknights. Osborn is actually a really good lord, why u put my boi on the same tier as scrubs like monty? :frowning:

The endgame units are pretty good, but no better than your normal promoted ones on a regular playthrough, so I’d say they’re pretty high for only being around a few chapters.

Augustus isn’t great, but he doesn’t suck at all. I guess his recruitment is annoying, but It’s that bad.

That is all.

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@CornPimp Thanks for the review. As far as the tierlist goes, these were my justifications for the placements. I put madison in S-tier because she is potentially your only healer until chapter 11 (if you choose Renley) or even ch13 if you don’t choose Renley. Sure, you could argue for promoting Shelly, but they are in competition for that guiding ring, and early promoting Shelly I find completely ruins her long-term potential and means she will get outclassed by Renley.
Every time, early promoting her seems like it’s a good idea for the extra healing and huge sage magic damage, but every time I do, I find that I bench her as soon as Renley comes. So if you wait to give her a few extra levels, Madison is still your only healer until around ch9 or ch10. Also, Madison is the only person who can reliably reach A-rank staffs (Renley has C and Wesley has B) to use the rescue and the hammerne. You esentially need the rescue if you want to get the wo dao in ch13, it is also useful if you overextend in ch14. The hammerne allows you to repair the legendary weapons to use in ch15. As far as combat goes, a trained madison has similar potential to a trained shelly. The only difference being light magic is a trade off of some mt for hit.

The cavaliers I’m inclined to agree should perhaps be moved down to B tier. I made this tierlist before the divine weapon buff, but now their terrible weapon ranks mean they’ll likely never be able to use legendary or perhaps even silver weapons. And they won’t be able to use braves until close to endgame, so they are essentially relying on killer weapons, unlike other units who have more options. Also, the competition for the ch8 knight crest creates a similar situation to fe6, where you can only really choose to use 1.

There is no way truman is in D tier imo. He has 3/4 chapters of availability over Edison, in which he is the only unit who can reliably double, and with the killing edge, he can often get you out of tricky situations. For example, when I tried playing on 0% growths on hard mode (I’m crazy, I know), he was vital on ch6 to deal with the promoted enemies. Although Edison does outclass him when he joins, Truman certainly doesn’t deserve D.

I put greg over Osborn because gregory is somewhat of a mini-jaigen in the early game. The halberd usually one shots annoying cavaliers, whereas the rapier can either bring them low or double and kill, which means Osborn has to take a counter. His huge pool of hp is very useful early-on as it allows him to take multiple hits, making him the only unit who can do that other than Royce until either Edison joins on ch7 or if you give Osborn some favouratism. Whenever I try to make Osborn good, I find he is either lacking in strength or in speed (35% growth is quite shaky and you can’t rely on both strength and speed going well). Either of which is detrimental to his performance. I have also had runs where he gets good level ups and absolutely decimates the late game. Since I find that Osborn is not good reliably, whereas greg is reliably good for the early game, I decided to put greg higher.

The pre-promotes being so high is perhaps a result of my playstyle. I like to early-promote my units to be useful sooner in the early game. What’s the point in making early game more difficult by waiting to promote just to get a marginally better unit than the pre-promotes in late game?

Augustus, I find has forde syndrome. I always expect him to be decent, but he is bad everytime. He is the last non-promoted unit (except charlotte) that you receive, and I think he suffers for it. Level 8 unpromoted is bad for ch10, so if you want to use him, you are essentially forced to early promote (but without the benefit of being good in early game). His bad res means he is constantly walking on eggshells around the many sages in the lategame, and he has competition for the fili shield with harper, so you can’t really use both of them (and harper is the far superior choice). His speed is also incredibly mediocre, so he won’t double anything unless using the brave lance, and that often weighs him down and causes him to get doubled. He is a flier that joins in a point where flier utility is essentially gone. The only place is ch13, and even then, he doesn’t have enough aid to ferry Gunvald across the mountain to recruit charlotte, whereas Harper can. And his main selling point over harper is supposed to be his bulk, of which I also find is lacking due to poor speed and being forced to early-promote means his bulk won’t even be that much better than harper.

Edit: Updated my tierlist

V2.12 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where Wesley would join with 0 move.

  • Fixed an issue where Royce would repeat his lines on ch11 easy mode.

  • Fixed an issue where Edison would join with an extra lancereaver.

  • Linda’s presence in ch7 is now made clear at the start of the chapter, so people don’t accidentally miss her.

  • Extra reinforcements from the south on hard mode ch13 a few turns after the northern ones.

  • The southern Druids on ch17 (formerly ch16x) now have physics, making it more difficult to ignore them.

  • Osborn is now guaranteed S-rank swords upon promotion rather than 90 wexp (he would likely reach S anyway, so I thought I’d make it guaranteed). You can also now choose if he will gain lances or axes upon promotion.

  • I felt it didn’t make sense for ch17 not to have an anti-turtle mechanic considering the story, so now the final bosses become more powerful the more turns you take on ch17 (the specific numbers vary based on difficulty and are announced at the start of the chapter).

Edit: I accidentally put out the wrong file for v2.12. The correct one should be up now. Sorry about that.


V2.2 patch notes:

  • Ch 5x is now mandatory (now called ch6). Harper’s death now causes a game over in chapter 5 and the story has been altered slightly so that it still makes sense.

  • Made some changes to ch16 (formerly ch15). I have changed the layout of the map and added reinforcements. This should prevent the player from turtling and slowly baiting the enemies one by one. The new layout also punishes the player for trying to cheese the map by ignoring the side lanes.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies of non-sword wielding classes would have sword rank in ch11 (formerly ch10).

  • Madison now has different death quotes in ch3-6 and the rest of the game. This is so that it makes sense with the story.

  • Thieves can no longer steal. This is because there were only 2 stealable items in the game that weren’t droppable (fili shield and hoplon guard), so I felt that stealing was pretty redundant. Those 2 items are now droppable instead.


V2.21 patch notes:

  • Removed bwl display. The reason for this is that the patch uses bwl data for other purposes, and thus the game only displays bwl partially, so I thought it was better to remove it.

  • The green units in chapter 2 and chapter 9 now no longer display animations. They were unarmed, so watching enemies attack them over and over could become tedious.

  • Royce now has a battle conversation with Raychester.

  • Fixed an issue with Shelly’s battle theme only playing during the first combat (not that you should be fighting her multiple times, but it’s fixed nonetheless).

  • Added a song that I missed to the sound room.

  • Other minor changes.

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V2.3 patch notes:

  • Reworked the map of the prologue and ch1. Putting Royce at the choke point and spamming end turn will no longer be a viable strategy.

  • The prologue is now a 6 turn defend rather than 7 turns.

  • Added a new support between Eve and Andy.

  • Piper now joins in ch2, but Osborn now starts with the rapier rather than it being in a chest.

  • Battle stats display with animations off.

  • Other minor changes.

Edit: Just dropped a hotfix fixing an issue where the game would freeze at the beginning of chapter 9. Sorry about that.