The King's Last Wish [COMPLETE] (V3.0 - New Chapters and Playable Units)

I love this philosophy. I don’t like when games allow you to deploy half or even your full roster. Like you said, they get stuck doing nothing just walking around or being used as walking satchels to trade items to constantly.

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i’m on chapter 16 and there’s a house close to the mountains, but when I visit it, there’s nothing. Is there a secret to that house? do I have to visit with a specific character or is just trolling?

Still dont understand the lack of supply access as an option during combat, can’t see any logic behind it if it’s a design choice.

Visit the house with Gunvald (the unit that joins on turn 2 of that chapter).

As for supply access, I chose not to give Osborn supply access simply because it doesn’t make much sense to me that the lord is somehow carrying 100 weapons. I’m not opposed to a Merlinus style unit, but opted not to bother in the end as convoy access mid battle usually isn’t all too important anyway. I understand where you’re coming from, but 9 times out of 10 I don’t find myself using the convoy at all, so I don’t think it’s much of an issue.

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Thank you for the info. Now there is something i’d like to ask that might be too spoilerish so:


I’m at a point that some of my guys can use the divine weapons, but the whole story revolves around destroying such weapons, will I be punished in some way if I used the divine weapons in combat? can I use them a little and just not break them in combat or should I actually break them in combat? after all i’d be destroying them that way right? I dunno, tell me if you can, please.

Also, I ended up not going after and killing the lady swordmaster in chapter 16, did I missed recruiting her that way? didn’t even engaged her in combat cause the other reinforcements took too much of my attention and I was already spending too many turns so I decided to just end it.

You will not be punished for using or breaking the divine weapons. Use them as much as you want.

As for the swordmaster, she will show up on turn 8 of chapter 17 as long as you didn’t kill her on chapter 16. There, you can talk to her with Osborn to recruit her for 11,000 gold.

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v3.0.4 patch notes:

  • Added a support between Wesley and Nixon.

  • Swapped Lyanna and Harvey’s B support with their A support.

  • Edith and Nixon’s talk conversation is now locked behind Nixon and Wesley’s A support. It has also been changed slightly.

  • Decreased the devil axe to its vanilla hitrate. The devil sword’s hitrate has also been lowered to match.

  • Removed 100% growths mode.

  • The governor now has blinking frames.

I have also fixed the following issues/bugs:

  • Fixed an issue where the chapter number in the preparations screen would sometimes display incorrectly.

  • Fixed an issue where the brigands on chapter 5 would attempt to destroy the church.

  • Fixed an issue where the turncount display would merge the final chapter turncount into chapter 21.

  • The paladins on the final chapter now have the same AI across all difficulties.

  • Fixed an issue where a character’s death chapter would be shown as “----” in the character ending. This also means that the bwl must be shown on subsequent playthroughs, however, the numbers will only be shown. The letters will not be shown as that data is being used for other purposes.

  • Other minor changes.

Edit: I just dropped a hotfix fixing an issue where some flags overlapped. This led to issues with Gavyn potentially not being recruitable under certain circumstances and chapter 21’s turn conditions not working as intended. Note that if you have already completed chapter 21, this will not fix the issue retroactively.

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Hmm why remove 100% growths mode?

My thought process was that it removes the individuality of units and classes and just generally removes any semblance of balance and difficulty in the game. I wasn’t really sure whether or not people liked 100% growths. If people like it though, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to put it back in. If anyone wants me to put it back in, just say so and I’ll do it.

I mean it’s optional, some people would play a normal playthrough in their first play then play another playthrough with the difficulty/mode of their choice to add a bit of flavor in their play style but hey whatever floats your boat my guy.

I actually like 100% Growth Rate

As a player who likes your story, I think the 100% growth rate model is a good choice, and I even think it is necessary. If possible, I hope you can add it back to the game. Of course, the final choice is still in your hands.

yeah, I honestly dont understand the logic behind wanting to play at 100% growths, it completely depletes the potential challenge of the game, and, for that matter, I also think it compromises the narrative, cause even if you’re mostly playing for the story and wanting to see how it ends, the drama and tensions are also diminished if you just breeze through the enemies and maps.

Not to mention, like you said, it empties the individual value of the characters. A lot of the attachment to the units comes with how they add, perform and solve situations during combat challenges, if everyone just pulverizes all enemies it also becomes more difficult to invest on them and have that tasty satisfaction of a clutch victory by a crit, or the tank that saved your party and etc.

Some conflicting opinions here. I’ll leave it up to a poll.

  • I like 100% growths
  • I don’t like 100% growths
0 voters

On the battle preparations chapter after Osborn’s promotion I lost in the arena, restarted the chapter and nothing happens after the intro screen, just blackness and no chapter. Tried reloading on multiple emulators and copying the save but overall just seems like its bricked. Probably something on my end since it loaded once before breaking.

I’ll probably do a 0% growth hardmode run at some point after I get over losing this one to a glitched save.

Overall, nice game even though its really simple. It does kind of seem like there’s 1 too few deployment slots when it caps at 9 instead of 10 and it just makes chapters more tedious when combined with all the 70’s hitrates. And it doesn’t let me try new units out that often. But I was pretty happy with my core team with no one falling behind and feeling useless. Early S rank gregory was pretty fun, wouldn’t work in an ironman but with all those low hitrates idk if ironmanning would be that fun anyway. But best job I’ve seen at making the fighter naturally feel like a good unit.

Only character that’s just weird is Piper, don’t get why she’s in the game. I’d have to waste a valuable deployment slot for 10 chapters just to steal vulneraries because there’s no chests or real stealables. Seems like a worthless character.

Anyway, I’ll come back to this when I do that 0% growths hardmode run and be sure to save each time I beat a chapter to a different slot so my run doesn’t randomly die.

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Thank you for reporting this. I have updated the patch to v3.0.5 which fixes this problem. This fix should even work retroactively, so if you update to the new version, you should be able to recover your old save file. Let me know if the fix works. And here are some other changes in v3.0.5:

Other changes
  • Fixed an issue where Grant’s battle quote would activate even after recruiting him.

  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect tile change when opening the doors on chapter 10.

  • Replaced the brave weapons of some of the pre-promotes in the mid-game. The chapter 10 hero now has a steel blade, the chapter 11 wyvern lord now has a silver lance and the chapter 12 falcoknight now has a silver lance.

  • On chapter 12, the 3 pegasus knights to the south have been moved down to give the player more room to manoeuvre. Grant also now joins with a vulnerary.

  • Other minor changes.

I’d recommend beating the game on a growths playthrough first. I say this because the final chapter can be near unbeatable on 0% growths if you don’t make the proper preparations. On 0% growths, I can only really see you beating the final chapter if you know what to expect ahead of time as you need to reach certain stat benchmarks, weapon ranks, items, etc.

Hitrates can be pretty low sometimes despite using vanilla fe8 hitrates, probably because enemies in this game are actually competent unlike fe8. However, I did try to make the game as ironman friendly as possible with some pretty powerful pre-promotes later on that will often match the strength of your current units (fe7 style). Low deployment slots also makes it more ironman friendly as you don’t need as many units to succeed.

I will admit, her utility is very bad as when there are actually chests, Andy joins who just completely outclasses her. That being said, I wanted to give the player 2 thieves in case one of them died. In earlier versions, there was an additional chapter between her joining and Andy joining that had chests, but that chapter was removed in v3.0, so that probably isn’t doing her many favours either.

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Thanks the new patch works so I’ll continue with the current run. Will be fun to see the endgame before trying the 0% growths.

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v3.0.6 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where the player could buy infinite hoplon guards for 0 gold from the chapter 21 secret shop.

  • Fixed an issue where Wesley would still appear in a cutscene in chapter 21 even if he was dead.

  • Fixed an issue where the nomad trooper class had armoured movement speed.

  • The chapter 7 village now provides a secret book. The hero crest has been moved to Edison’s starting inventory.

  • Added breakable walls on chapters 2 and 19 to prevent being softlocked by the doors blocking the main objective. Both maps have obtainable door keys, but the unit holding them may die or it could be sent to the conoy.

  • Changed the AI of the lower paladins and snipers on chapter 20 - they now only start moving when you get to a certain area. I have also added some pillars on the top half of the map. This should discourage the player from just choking the entrance at the beggining of the map.

  • Replaced the 2 great knights near the starting area on chapter 16 with cavaliers so the player is not as overwhelmed on the first 2 turns.

  • Other minor changes.


v3.0.7 patch notes:

  • Chapter 5 is now a weak fog of war map. Lyanna now also joins with a torch staff.

  • Items now sell for 50% price as in vanilla rather than 25%.

  • Implemented @Contro’s new patch that fixes the canto glitch.

  • The secret book is now a stealable from the boss of chapter 6. This, combined with the previous chapter now having fog, should give Piper some utility.

  • The boss of chapter 8 now has blinking frames.

  • Removed the bolting sages from chapter 20. Since this chapter has no incentive to be fast, you could just wait out the boltings. They just ended up slowing the chapter down.

  • Other minor changes.

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v3.0.8 patch notes:

  • You can now toggle staff/dance animations as a game option.

  • Implemented damage number display with animations on and off.

  • Added some pillars to chapter 13.

  • Added more stealable items to the game. Some significant ones include a stealable fell contract from one of the assassins in chapter 13 and a stealable red gem from a wyvern lord in chapter 18 (Juna fruit on easy mode).

  • Related to the above point, the Juna fruit is now an easy-mode exclusive item (as its the only mode your units could reasonably cap in) that lowers your level by 3 guaranteed. Minimum level is 4.

  • Other minor changes.

Edit: Just dropped a hotfix fixing an issue where the new “toggle staff/dance animation” patch conflicted with the hp bar patch. The hp bar patch also used the subtitle help option to toggle, so this meant that turning off other animations would also turn off hp bars. This has now been fixed and hp bars will not be affected by the toggle.


v3.0.9 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where turning off staff/dance animations would not apply to Wesley.

  • The dancer ring status effects are now translated.

  • Applied @Alice’s custom staff icon for the options menu.

  • Added a few additional reinforcements to chapter 17.

Edit (Sep 10): Dropped a hotfix to v3.0.9 fixing the bug where the letters for B W L would not display if the value was under 10.

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