The FE8 PME That Could(n't)

Sweet! Thanks.

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If I redrew it would that be fine? Also does it say which colors aren’t working?

What I mean, is that I can’t make that into a Portrait for the character. For your character has a placeholder portrait.

Ah alright (I’m an idiot lol)

Howdy! I just saw this post - is the PME slot for Ewan still open or are they all taken?

Welcome mr duckbeard

thank you, Kalru - glad to be joining the community

Amelia, Ewan, Tethys, Knoll, and Syrene have not been taken yet.

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Random things while playing!


‘experimenting!’ There’s an ‘i’ in the middle, hehehe.

Fire Emblem - the Sacred Stones # GBA.PATCH.20230210193324.emulator
This happens due to having two portraits in a conversation, you need to remove whichever isn’t saying anything then only reload it when it’s their turn to speak. Hopefully that makes sense I dunno.
Also keeps repeatedly popping up every time they battle eachother, you’ll need an unused temporary flag for this!
ohright, the ‘generic’ conversation happens first as well, you can just drag the things above the generic ones so it’s the unique conversations that happen first.

Hello badits.

I’m a pedantic git so I’ll probably notice more stuff while playing.



Grant is best lord

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You still need a loli dragon? I think I can do that.
Tentatively yoinking Myrrh while I figure out what the heck to do with her.
…wait that sounded really weird.

Name: Nieves
Gender: Female
Class: Manakete

Growths: (Growth… growth)
HP: 100%
STR: 70%
SPD: 60%
SKL: 60%
LCK: 60%
DEF: 30%
RES: 80%

Growths: (Myrrh growth)
HP: 120%
STR: 90%
SPD: 70%
SKL: 70%
LCK: 70%
DEF: 60%
RES: 100%

Growth Unit

Who they are replacing: Myrrh

Character Description: A young manakete who loves fruit. Sometimes ignores what people say and just goes into random tangents.

Divinestone (Just the usual Dragonstone)
Wyrmstone (Effective against monsters. DEF/RES +5. 0 MT, 100 ACC, 0 WT, 10 CRIT, unbreakable, pierces defence.)

Battle animations(s?)~

Map animations~

I’m assuming that Myrrh is considered a Growth unit by default due to low stats and high growths, so may as well stick with that-- on that, two sets of growths, one being the usual 580 of Myrrh redistributed and the other just being the expected 450., Up to you if you’ll keep her insane growth intact or not, hehehe.
hopefully this gets me to redo her portrait finally she’s been stuck as a bad splice for years. We’ll have to see.
Considering the animations I tossed it could be fun to give her E rank sword use, but I’ll leave that up to you.

…i just noticed how bloody boring some of my characters may be since a few are just the same class as their replacee. ack.

Well all that’s necessary is noted in the battle animation links, the map sprites are just FE6 Fa.

Started unlazying a bit and played some more!

More weird stuff

I think here you needed the [Clear] command after one person stops talking before shunting someone over into their spot? There was another command that might be better that I forget… [SlowTextClose] …Something like that.

Weird talk frames! Seems they’re not aligned properly. Applies to both of her.

New friend Barry (5x) seems like he should be recruitable.
Make Barry recruitable you evil monster ;_;

Aaand a lone armour knight (I’m assuming Grant) wanders on to chapter 6 and softlocks the game. Huh. …Skipping seems to do the same. Huh. I’ll probably just cheat and skip over the level.


Right, so barry is definitely recruitable, so that’s wierd. Gotta fix that. No clue what’s happening about chapter 6. Maybe I forgot to properly call the event?

Got around to redoing the thing for Nieves. yey.

Time to continue to laze around.


Elden Ring - Queen's Knight Fenreir
Portrait made by fenreir

So… Issue with the wyrmstone. The way GBA Fire Emblem calculates effectiveness is via base weapon might. The wymstone, because of the zero might, will deal no extra damage to monsters lol.

The effectiveness is mostly just there for flavour than anything, just to show shiny dragon still beats up monsters well, not especially intended to actually really do anything, hehehe.

Name: Argo
Gender: Male
Class: Pupil

HP: 50%
MAG: 60%
SPD: 55%
SKL: 80%
LCK: 120%
DEF: 40%
RES: 45%

Growth Unit (pupils can be growth units, right?)

Who they are replacing: Ewan
Hugh (Child) {Its_Just_Jay}

Character Description: Young scholar forging his own path. Doesn’t like to be called cute.

Energy Ring

this is the first pme i join, so sorry if i get something wrong

Played a bit more and uhm…


This fellew does not seem to know how to use his axe! Oh dear.

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Fantastic. Archer boss!