The Divine Twins' War (v1.1.1; Ch31 complete)

It’s not complete yet. (Hence the WIP (Work In Progress) in the page’s heading.)

I’m honestly not sure exactly how many chapters this will be. I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I want to have happen, but I’m still improvising a fair amount. I’d say the hack’s half to two-thirds of the way done (leaning more towards two-thirds), but I can’t give any exact number.

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After replacing the rom hack
Loading chapters will glitch the game

And somehow theres a ch 19x in the menu which has oscar and elaine with levels in arc 1
But that totally skipped the new chapters

(Loaded a save state and retrying prison chap now)

That’s very strange. I know I messed around with some earlier chapters, but I don’t think I did anything that should’ve caused it to crash or skip straight to 19x.

(Maybe one of chapters I saved got changed chapter number into 19x’s? Like the prison chap)

After using that save state the prison chap is normal (and updated)

Riiiight, that’s what happened. I did that while working on v.07, so I forgot about it.

nicole’s base stats are lower than generic npc peg knights in same level except defense
chloe’s speed is too low for a lv7 unit, not included the 6 con (unless u meant for her to be a armor knight-type)
mages’ defense bases are…very low too (dunno if you intended to make pegasus and mages unable to survive 2 physical hits)

the new chapters:
ch18: wouldn’t say that’s one of the best chapters in this hack imo, it’s just ballllllllistas and enemy reinforcement waves*n + a boss (and the reinforcements are of the same class on each side, making it more like a DEF unit solo than a chap)
but the forewarn about the 2 recruitables feels nice being a helpful tip tho

ch19: actually pretty easy if the player has a lv20 (or promoted) unit to sweep the bosses (not you edrick, a lv15 sword unit with 9 spd only)
in any case they are all stationary so the chap never gave me the vibe of rush hour as the story suggested, plus they are pretty easy to cheese (with bow, tome and rescue), the reinforcements are easily dealt with (except 14 spd archers that are more like a prank for players)
the gameplay doesn’t quite match what Edrick suggested, npc units can take care of attackers very well so absolutely no need for player to send help, and you can just turtle the 3 bosses (meanwhile right part of the map has no use at all) , making the chap not challenging in any ways.
plus, player might get screwed if he placed edrick in wrong places when defeating the third boss (btw that’s 5 generals in total, not 4)

promotions: promoted palettes are not yet finished, despite the large exp gain in this hack
and halberdier promotion bonus only 7 con

Edrick has a 60% speed growth. I feel like he should have better speed than that. (Maybe I should buff his growths again?)

Also, I’m a dumbass and completely forgot to have Rodin show up on a timer so the player can’t take their time too much. And I guess I just got RNG-screwed during my playtesting, because the ally units weren’t doing too great for me, Willow excluded.

Do you think I should make the bosses less cheesable by giving equipping them with a Spear/Tomahawk and/or making them move?

(Also, there being 5 generals instead of 4 is intentional. Nicole tells Edrick when she arrives that they missed one- namely the Falcon Knight, since he flew over their scouts without them noticing.)

maybe my luck with his speed problems, 60 spd growth is much higher than enough
or did you buff his speed recently? it feels like when I level him up his speed growths were much worse

I think adding the Rodin timer would be enough to force the players not to turtle
the bosses already have 2 range weapons so I guess it’s fine, cheesing them with rescue/drop so they won’t switch to 2 range weapons is just like how you can play in vanilla

Maybe I’ll change the Falcon Knight’s weapon to a spear, since he’s tactically minded, while leaving the Warrior with what he has, since he’s all about power. (And also that way you can’t bow down the Falcon Knight without at least SOME risk.)

Also yeah, I did buff Edrick’s speed not long ago. But even before that, it still had a 50% growth.

v.08.1 is now up!
This patch’s sole purpose was to make Chapter 19 more difficult and more interesting. In summary, the bosses are harder to handle and are more unique in their behavior, and the ally units are less useful so defending the objective is a bigger priority. Also, I actually remembered to trigger the pseudo time limit that the characters in-game talked about in v.08 as an actual turn-based event.

v.09 is now up!
This patch brings one new character, two new chapters, four new weapons, an event battle at the end of Valeria’s story, and a new title for the hack!

I figured “The Gaelan War” is kind of a boring, somewhat generic title. “The Divine Twins’ War” sounds much cooler, and is no less accurate.

By the way, starting in Chapter 15, you can choose “Consult” from the “Strategy” menu (FE7 Augury mechanic) to get a better idea of what the chapter may bring about. Sometimes a chapter might have a twist in it which you won’t know to prepare for otherwise! And it doesn’t cost a single gold to use, either.
(This has actually been a thing in this hack since v.06, but I don’t know if anyone’s seen it and I’d be sad if I put all this work into them just for no one to notice they exist.)

v.09.1 is now up!
I kinda forgot to include non-generic boss dialogue for Chapter 21. I had it written, but forgot to actually include it.
I also changed a couple Soldiers to Pegasus, because I’d meant to do that earlier and forgot about it, too.

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v.10 is now up!
This patch brings two new chapters, a new playable character, and a couple new characters who will be playable starting in the next patch.

Speaking of the next patch, the next chapter is going to be 23x, yet another Respite chapter. I’ve already got some character interactions planned (which can already be seen in the Respite Guide), but I’d like to include more than what I’ve thought of. If anyone has an idea for an interaction they’d like to see between playable characters (or just characters you want to see interact), let me know!

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v.10.1 is now up!
This patch… is just fixing a few animation errors. The slots Brian, Alex, and Nicole are in used to be characters with unique promoted animations. I didn’t realize this until recently, so I never un-assigned those unique animations.

Anyway, this patch is just fixing that little mistake. Still, I hope you enjoy the new chapters from v.10!

And on real, original hardware will it work? Has anyone tried it via GBA flashcart on GBA, GBA SP or DS Lite (slot2) by any chance? Thanks.

I don’t even know how to test that. I barely know what I’m doing with the program I’m making the hack in to begin with.

That said, I THINK I fixed the issue that caused me to say that initially, and I haven’t received any complaints or notices about bugs from people using hardware-accurate emulators since I fixed it. So I see no reason it wouldn’t work fine.

(I should really fix that line to say “This hack MAY not work well on more hardware-accurate emulators”)

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So, as soon as I have time, I’ll try it on DS Lite via SuperCard SD, maybe in the meantime someone else will get in touch …:wink:

Small update:
Development on v.11 is progressing slowly but surely. As I’ve been working on it, I’ve realized that the Respite Guide hasn’t been as clear about the contents of respite conversations as it could be. Originally, it just specified whether a conversation would just be dialogue (white box) or would lead to acquiring an item (yellow box).

Now, two more specifications have been made.
-Red*boxes indicate conversations which result in the recruitment of a unit. None are currently present in the hack, but this will not be the case in v.11.
-Blue** boxes indicate conversations which share information on relevant in-game events, reveal some lore, or flesh out the worldbuilding a little.

*I’m colorblind. They might actually orange. I honestly can’t tell.
**Some conversations without blue boxes also meet these criteria. However, they also give out items or recruit a unit, which means the other colors take precedence.

Hey I have one question in regards to Nicholas. Why did you nerf him? From the current version I am playing on, I founds some very, very glaring issues with Nicholas, which ended up making him completely useless.

Mainly his speed and skill stats. Both stats are almost non-existent. Given his very low HP (14 to 16 base hp, which is not a lot, at all), he will be getting doubled very easily by so many enemies and can get killed pretty easily. However, while that is already bad enough, the almost non-existent skill stat makes it far worse. Considering he only has 1 base skill, it is almost completely impossible to even train him cause he struggles way too much to even be able to hit any enemies. Only ones who he can kinda hit reliably are armor knights and soldiers, but even then he still struggles with hitting them since his hit rate would only be 75% or lower.

Honestly, I would suggest buffing his Base Skill and Base Speed by 4 points, just to make him struggle a lot less than he currently has. Not to mention, it says a lot that the first brigand he encounters on the very first chapter he joins can outright kill him easily due to Nicholas’ very horrid accuracy.

The point of dragons in this hack is that they hit incredibly hard and take barely any damage per hit, but have that as the only things going for them.

He originally had good enough stats that he could almost solo pretty much the entire hack after training him for just a chapter or two. I haven’t had any issues using him in playtesting, but I guess I’m getting lucky. It seems I nerfed him too hard, so I’ll buff him again somewhat.