[Tactile] Staff of Ages (First Tactile release out now!)

hap borth

Wait… Does it need to run on PC? Man… I want to play it on my Android GBA…

But the game should be playable on Android devices eventually


Good news: Now that Tactile’s out Yeti was able to fix the issue we had that’s been stonewalling development, so we should be able to get back to it relatively shortly.

(Pls ignore placeholder Julia)


well what’s the bad news

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Bad news is game not done yet lol


Now this makes me think whether it’s possible to blitz a full length fangame with XNA.


I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible tbh.

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Because as Margaret Thatcher once said, there is no such thing as community in community blitz. /s

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Can a play this in Android???

just scroll up next time

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Can I play this on Casio Calculator 3000ThiggyMaJigg???


of course

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I just completed 1-3 and it seemed like the game bugged out, I can’t go back to 1-4 or any further no matter how much I scroll to the right. I am on patch 0.11

Replaying it might be the only fix right now

I’m really excited and intrigued to try this game, but I’m trying to open it on Mac and that doesn’t seem to be working- is there any way around this or am I just at a dead end?

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You can run it in a VM or with Wine.

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We are officially looking for some extra helping hands.

Gonna level with you, the amount of time myself and the team have to dedicate to this project is a lot less than what it was when we started, by a significant margin. So, if anyone want to help with the eventing side of things (using Tactile, of course) or help with writing supports, let me know!

One extra person that can work on events will help considerably, and then 2-3 people to assist with support writing to reduce the load on the current team will go a long way for actually getting this thing completed.


can i write supports c:

I could do some events if need be, although I don’t know how to do very specific things.