
I have a lot of problem when it comes to FE8 summons… Can someone help me?

=Demon King Summons=
I used FEBuilderGBA to change the summoned data of the demon king from enemies to NPCs however when I used the summon ability they still spawn as enemies.

  • Are they hard coded to be enemy only?
  • How do I change that?

=Multi Class Summon=
There is a patch for multi class summons in FEBuilderGBA, I tried tinkering with it a lot of times but the only thing I managed to summoned was a green NPC that crashed my game. This situation is completely my fault since I got confused with the instructions written on the patch.

  • Can someone give me a detailed step by step instructions on how to properly use this patch?

=Another Summoning Patch=
It always summons phantoms and I don’t know why. Can someone help me?

Note : I uninstalled the previous summoning patch before I installed another one. I don’t know if this broke my ROM or not.

Did you try to set the summons unit data as the desired class in the character editor?

Example: In character editor, there is a tab called “support class”, that auto sets certain
parameters for most things, the summons also need this for some of the extra summoning patchs.

Example 2: F3 Distortion requires their support class to be set to, class id: 7, Paladin.

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For the Demon King summons, yes they are hardcoded. If you find where the game sets it to enemy (0x80), you’d change it to npc (0x40). I’m not aware if someone has done that yet, since the usual alternative is to just change their allegiance with events.

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It worked, thank you very much!!!

How do I change the allegiance with events?

This will be tricky to explain so bear with me.

Step 1: Go to event editor and then select always condition tab.

Step 2: Create a Flag condition but don’t set a trigger flag and a completion flag,. This will allow the event to activate over and over.

Step 3: Once you have an event ready to script, go into it and select the only
thing in the vent and click “Template”. There you will find a template called
“Check if unit alive and not join”, when you select that template and load it,
have the default character switched to the summon unit of the demon king
summon unit list. Example: Unit ID 85: Monster is the replacement.
Repeat this until all of the summons are of your choosing.

Step 4: Once all of the units are in place, you can go and set them
in the event (The event script called “Change faction of unit to “choice””)
make them either NPC or player. DO NOT LET THE SUMMONS HAVE
THE SAME UNIT ID!! It can cause issues such as deleting all other
units due to copies of the same unit.
Make sure they have their own ID. Replace ID ENEMY to be safe.
Since those ID’s are un-used.

If done right, when you summon them, they still spawn as red,
but again, if done right, the event will turn them Green or Blue based
on your choice of faction change.