Sonic FE, because I don't have a title yet [Tactile]

thanks for your understanding


I also like that it’s closer to regular FE games and not overcomplicated like some other LT games tend to be.

Oh yeah. Forgot that I noticed some typos and bugs, would the discord server be a better place to post those?

Yes thats the ideal place

I respect your vision.

You should, theirs is an admirable quest.

Hmm how do I view unit growths?

you cannot view growths but i can tell you their growths if you want.

but the stats on a units page are colored for their current averages. the more green a stat is, the better that unit is performing in that stat, the more red, the worse it is compared to the average.

This Is Peak FE :fire:

thanks for your interest!

Still working on this for a whole year?

Yea imo an unit sheet with growth upon release would be good.

uh, yes?