I just wanna throw my stuff in here that is free to edit / use everything, or even finish. If you do edits, feel free to post it here aswell, so we can build upon it.
Based on Pikmins still. If you wanna finish it pls go ahead. I don’t really know how to finish it.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/206588291053649921/702457978384809994/Hat.7z this is a fix someone made, in the repo someone made a mapsprite aswell
A new animaton , based on pikmins still and programmed by him
Female Armory Girl. If someone needs her.
Formatted Sturm. Advance Wars
[[Gorgon-Variant] [F] Lamia by DATonDemand] A Map Sprite for it. Commisioned by @DarkSlayer and shared to the public as always F2E / F2U
Longer Haired Trainee Repalette
[Ice] Ice Shuriken {Sme, Compile} Ranged Version
Marth the Cow lololol
Commisioned by @TheAtlas
Not (yet) F2U / F2E
One step closer to Farm Emblem/ Harvest Moon Emblem! Really like the shading on the Cow’s face/head
Yeah I actually have plans for a fe farming Sim without a big grand story.
I think I know why you made the beak a bit invisible in the main portrait. Was it so that you could show it opening without it conflicting with the background color, right? If so, genius.
Exactly, It can open without showing from behind. If the goose is talking to much, the blinking frame can deform the beak a bit, but its not noticable.
mm. yes. giant-ass convert-inedibles-to-meat machine. classic human innovation.