Remove Eirika and Ephraim's forced promotion?

I’m currently working on an fe8 hack, and I want to give the lords an earlier promotion through use of one the promo items. How can I remove the lock and allow them to use an item?

the promotion is actually from their own seperate promo items, if you choose not to promo eirika or ephraim you get them in your inventories, the solar brace for eirika, and the lunar brace for ephraim. If you want to have their classes promotable through a master seal, I’m sure there’s a guide for that but if you want a seperate promo item, just edit the name and image for the solar/lunar brace

I hopefully plan to repurpose the lunar/solar braces, and let eirika and ephraim use a different item like the rest of the tier one units. I’ve set it so Ephraim promotes into master lord with a hero crest, but when i try to use it, it tells me I can’t.

It works when i try it.


Are you sure your Ephraim’s at least level 10? You can’t promote if you’re below that (normally, though that can be edited).

barring the solar/lunar brace which lets eirika/ephraim promo whenever

He was level 20. Could it perhaps be the way I made his promotion? For my hack, every unit will be able to promote using 4 different items depending on the class. Ephraim can use the guiding ring, hero crest, Elysian whip and ocean seal. (renamed alternate seal) I’ve already confirmed that the split promo items work as I’ve made lute a sage with ring, and dread fighter with a hero crest.

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