Remove crit avoid penalty from Stone status?

In FE8, the Stone status effect makes it so that the enemy always hits, and they also get +30 crit against you.

Is there a way to remove this crit penalty, and have so that the enemy only gets the hitrate bonus?

Yeah, trivially: go modify this line. How you do that is up to you. Personally, I’d recommend writing your changes to this function as a C language source → compiling and converting with lyn → including the output as part of a larger buildfile.

If that’s not your style and you’d prefer peephole edits, the address of the add instruction that does this is at 0x0002AE7C and you can just change the 0x1E (30) there to 0 or whatever.

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I’ll probably do the latter. Thanks. I’ll test it later, and mark as solution if it works out