Reminiscing About Fates Online

With the impending closure of the 3DS Wifi, comes the end of an era for the beautiful My Castle, probably one of the best hub areas FE ever had.

This was honestly a big reason why I continued to play Fates long after I started becoming less interested in the main story; visiting other castles, resource gathering, recruiting new army members out from different routes, and my favorite part, making Bond Units (in fact, a Bond Unit run has been on my bucket list for so long!). All this gave so much flavor to the game, and now it’s just… Gone.

So I wanted to ask y’all; what are y’all’s favorite experiences or memories with Fates Online? Do you have any silly skill builds only possible through WiFi, or any fun Einherjar you recruited, or even just a neat Wifi battle? Any and all thought are appreciated :slight_smile:


I just loved going to the top ranked and getting their Einherjar in like the first chapter of conquest or smth like that.

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Lol absolutely. Stomping Conquest Lunatic with Mario the L99 Wolfssegner was heat