Proc Skills in Lex Talionis

Hello FEU,

I’m making a fangame using LT and would like to know if there’s a way to make a skill% proc skill. Is this possible? If so, how would I do it?

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Hello. :wave: For a proc based skill you will need at least two skills minimum. One parent skill that you give to the unit that checks if the attack procs or not, then a child skill that gives the actual effect you want to the attack/skill. For example, Sol. You would hit create new in the skills editor and put two components called proc skill and proc rate. Proc skill is what effect will happen when the skill procs and proc rate lets you choose an equation which how to calculate the proc rate. You then create a new skill and name it something like Sol_child. You then just give it the likelink component. Go back to the first Sol skill and in Proc skill you select the Sol child skill. Then give the Sol with the procs to the unit or class you want to give it to. :+1: Hope that helps. :slight_smile: I’m happy to help if you have any other questions. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! This worked like a charm. However, which option in Proc Rate causes it to be skill%? is it INITIATIVE?

You need to go into the Equations Editor and add Skill as a constant that Proc Rate can reference. It’ll be under Edit > Equations…
Once you’re there, you’d click the Add Equation button and put an easy to remember name under Nid (Just calling it SKL should work) and SKL under Expression.
(Also, idk if you’re in the LT-maker Discord but you’ll get pretty quick support there, just so you know)


Ah that makes sense. I didn’t know there was a discord, I’ll be sure to join it! Thank you!