Pokémblem - [Complete] v1.14

No no, it happens to the best of us :sweat_smile:



I got the Cascade Badge and the S.S. Ticket…now what? I can’t progress any further, i can’t cut trees and i can’t access the stolen TM guy’s house.

Maybe I forgot to open that up.

Content up to Lt Surge exists, but afaik no one’s done a playthrough with the new content past Misty yet. Perhaps that’s why…

I’ll send out an update tomorrow opening the area, lol.

Edit: yup, I had simply forgotten open the gates. Fixed it now.

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I figured out how to get past S.S. Anne. Maybe this will help you trouble shoot the problem.

I entered and beat the first 2 trainers, then activated Gary from the top right corner he can reach near the beginning.

I let his pokemon come to me and beat them.

Then I faced the chef after fully beating Gary. If I activated the chef during or before the battle with Gary, he disappeared.

I’m back in Vermilion and can use cut.

He maybe a sailor, looks like a chef idk. Either way the last guy.

Also posted this on Discord, but figured some people might want a work around to keep playing.



SS Anne is fixed now I believe.

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important features have been made



FEE3 Video

There were a few graphical glitches & minor bugs when I was recording this, but they’ve since been fixed! Content goes up to Lt. Surge at this point, and I’ve just done a full rebalance of pokemon stats & growths in the past few days.

It’s been a lot of fun to create this, and a big shoutout to the regulars in the feu and pokemblem discords. Couldn’t do it without all of you! :sparkling_heart:


Never dead; always underground

Updated with various tweaks, new stuff, a few new areas, and difficulty modes. I haven’t blogged about it here in a while but I assure you there’s tons more asm and it’s some cool stuff

Sometime I will prepare a showcase maybe


Ayyyy glad to see this project is still going Vesly. I remember having a lot of fun with this a few years ago and am really eager to see it completed. While I’m posting I may as well ask, would you mind if I did an LP of your hack sometime in the future? Your post has gotten me interested about all the changes you’ve made.

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Feel free to LP it. I enjoy watching the LPs people do of it as it helps me improve the game based on how they played it.

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Thanks Vesley! I hope I help you improve the game then if that’s the case! Though thinking back I might not be much help because I do remember cheesing it at one point hehe but we shall see :slight_smile:

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I’ll have to give this a try sometime. Ironically I think I’ve played more Pokemon hacks then FE hacks. But, I’ve always heard nice things about this one.


New content!

Today’s release means we can now play up to Fuschia City! I’m only halfway done oh god


All sprites were replaced with Magikarp yesterday. The portal that was spewing out magikarp from the lake of rage into pokemblem has now closed, and sprites have returned to normal.


Today’s update releases Celadon, and with that, the secret house where you learn fly:

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Of course, the slots are functional, too.

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Enjoy! 3 badges + league remaining.

v1.0 later this year? :crossed_fingers:


Hey I just start the game last night and my Pidgey has stopped getting exp. It is level 14 and I’m in viridian forest. My bulbasaur some times gets exp some times not. Its level 13. What is the problem?

How do I level magickarp?

As far as i’m aware the exp formula used in this Game prevents you from overleveling too severly, since the Pokemons in Viridian forest are so low level compared to you, the exp gained from them is little to nothing, It will change if you keep progressing through the game!

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Than you

If I don’t release v1.0 when my FEE3 2022 video comes out, I will finish your hack


Imported Cheese has kindly asked to stream Pokemblem for its v1.00 release tomorrow after my FEE3 video comes out.

Stream link:

Hope some of you can tune in tomorrow at 7:45 pm est! Looking forward to it :slight_smile: