Plant Academy's Garden of Sprites

Insert Feu literacy rate joke here*


Are you still working on thoses requested stills?

yes actually, it’s just that it will be delayed a bit more since I’m working on the CCC submissions+ tight homeworks in school, don’t worry

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I went through almost the entire forum, unfortunately no one has drawn the initial occupation of Lilliana!

Ok few things:

  • I’ve come just to lay down a halfbody of myself:
  • So umm… remember that polI where I asked:

I may have burnt myself along the way which also explains I may have stopped midway as well and went into hiatus (being bombarded with school works didn’t also helped).
Now for the confession part: I kinda used the CCC to motivate myself again :')

  • soo little fun fact I found along the way: I now know the correct term of the “addictions” I’ve been having in the past which were “Hyperfixations” apparently. if some of ya’ll have observed, I had hyperfixations on: Fullbodies and battle sprites. I’m now past the “battle sprites hyperfixation” thanks to burnout sadly but rest assured they aren’t forgotten though, will return to them on some other time (and maybe who knows, I may have also improved in that area when I come back to it).
  • I actually even planned to do a “project cipher” at some point on some GBA characters where in I’ll try to change their outfits to their cipher versions, be it promoted or unpromoted (still in hiatus as well since burn out may most likely strike again)
  • been experimenting and practicing with irl and digital art style as well soo there’s that (beginner).
    that’s all, plant out
    still working on the cecilia and pent fullbodies in the middle of test week as well, multitasking be damned

Your fullbody sprites were a major inspiration to me when i was starting out. If i havent seen your works, i probably wouldnt have started my first fullbody sprite (i nvr finished it tho😔)

I would have likely still be doing my crappy splices and stagnating lol


yo look, another person discovered it, congratulations buddy!

I went through pretty much the exact same thing with mapping, my problem being that I still can’t get back into it. Welcome to hell!


Have this art variant as well where I made it my profile header:

(May wholesomeness radiate from him :))


(alas in the end I still wasn’t able to finish the cecilia and pent fullbodies sorry ya’ll :’) where’s the motivation truck driver at, I’m still waiting for it to hit me hard)
now anyways i’ve come just to lay this wips that I will just use to remind myself to finish them sometime in the future:
a wip joshua sprite (starting animation for now + audhulma alt still)

I currently just finished watching wednesday so I tried recreating her (with thing), but im having difficulties on the eyes, can’t capture wednesday’s essence.
putting it at F2E if someone wants to take a stab at it (pardon the pun, she did say she likes stabbing)


Muahahahaha Join the Dark Side Plant

That moment when nobody up until now thought of a minimug fullbody, well someone had to do it.
still wip obviously
manifesting upon myself I won’t hyperfixate on these again and commit burnouticide, again


It is done now
damn I’m having a major dejavu rn
these will be F2U/E w/ credit btw
(still standing on my anti-burnout mindset but it’s testing me real good send help :’)


While its my leisure time, I wanted to make the most out of it, and since I also just recently replayed Yggdra union-
Ladies and gents, behold my most proud creation yet:
Rosary Esmeralda from yggdra union!
the flaming witch herself :fire: , maker of golems :broom:, destroyer of gulcasas :dragon_face:

I did her for about half a day, used cath’s face as a base
and now for a related surprise, I was actually able to do frames on her and yes you did heard me right (although it wasn’t that hackbox friendly; probably will make it someday).

for those who don’t believe me and want to see the real action itself:

Now, yggdra union x FE hacking when :face_with_monocle:


Finished Eirika just a while back
(meanwhile the details on Roy’s binding blade will be the death of me, or I could just cheat and ignore some of it heh


mfw I realized I’ve already been here for a year eyyy lezgooo


I noticed that I’m on a FE 6 cleaning spree mood lately so I decided to compile my latest FE 6 portrait works here so that peeps who may or may want use them on their FE 6 projects please use them for your FE 6 projects :> know where to find it

oh yeah this was inspired by obs’s FE 6 portrait edits as well so, yeh

And so, in a similar mindset like obs:

(although the credit would be very much appreciated though :>)


Oh! This painting is too restored!

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Can you draw Roy, the original version is too ugly!
George's Graphics Gallery - Creative - Fire Em(1)_edit_214645012439122

I’m replying this before I go to school so yeh

Hi @DM1221 , I believe there are Roy redesigns in the repo that probably should suffice?

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:kissing: (i wanted to post just the emoji but I can’t do that.)

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